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a JavaScript library for performing geospatial operations with GeoJSON
turf sample module
Generate one or more common English words
The lodash method `_.sample` exported as a module.
Typical random-related functions for JavaScript.
Get palette for any image file, no node-canvas
A data subsampler that chooses representative data points using a largest triangle or mode-median approach.
Extract colors from an image.
Collection of ~170 lightweight, composable transducers, reducers, generators, iterators for functional data transformations
- 1d
- 2d
- 3d
- array
- benchmark
- clojure
- composition
- convolution
- cycle
- filter
- flatten
- frequency
- functional
- fuzzy
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Generates a random phone number following the E.164 international standard
Sample arrays and weighted objects
A data subsampler that chooses representative data points using a largest triangle or mode-median approach.
🎲 pass/fail by sample size
A sample bindings aggregator factory actor
A collection of utility functions for working with randomness.
- array
- boolean
- chance
- collection
- combination
- date
- exclusive
- float
- inclusive
- integer
- iterable
- luck
- mersenne twister
- number
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Maps US state abbreviations to state names.
Text loosely based on input
Shared test and story data
A flexible web audio buffer player
Functional, polymorphic API for 2D geometry types & SVG generation