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ECMAScript spec-compliant polyfill/shim for `globalThis`
- window
- self
- global
- globalThis
- global object
- global this value
- ECMAScript
- es-shim API
- polyfill
- shim
Sometimes you have to do horrible things, like use the global object to share a singleton. Abstract that away, with this!
Generate self signed certificates private and public keys
Automatically bind methods to their class instance
Return the global object.
HTML void elements are not the only self-closing tags. This includes common SVG self-closing elements as well.
Returns true if the given name is a HTML void element or common SVG self-closing element.
A JavaScript polyfill for Flexbox
Remove self intersections, t-junctions and duplicate edges/vertices from a planar straight line graph
- planar
- straight
- line
- graph
- geometry
- topology
- polygon
- snap
- rounding
- tjunction
- crossing
- junction
- duplicate
- vertex
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Helps you ignore events that didn't directly target your own element.
Babel plugin for transforming `globalThis`.
self-stream is a small node module that streams your transformations to the same file.
Super simple self signed certificates
Enable doing require('foobar') from within the foobar module
Returns the global object in Node or in the browser, including the web worker.
- global
- object
- global-object
- the-global-object
- window
- worker
- workers
- webworker
- webworkers
- web-worker
- web-workers
- globals
- self
A smart implementation of promisify using native promises
Auto bind methods to their class instance excluding React Lifecycle Methods
Self-hosted file storage
Bind all methods in an object to itself or a specified context
Get a proxy that automatically binds methods to their instance