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Utilities for working with SVG paths
Low level toolkit for SVG paths transformations.
draw svg paths onto canvas contexts
Computes the intersection between two SVG paths
Responsive and slick progress bars with animated SVG paths
Compute bounding boxes of SVG paths.
A tooltip for SVG paths in React
Small library for morphing bewtween multiple SVG paths.
Generator waveform paths for SVG
Turns SVG shapes (polygon, polyline, rect, g) into SVG paths. It can merge groups and apply transforms.
Paths.js ========
A utility for creating gradient paths with react-native-svg
JSYG plugin for drawing interactive svg paths
A simple encoder decoder of svgs paths
A marker for SVG paths in React
Feather icons exported as paths
A React component for animating the drawing and filling of SVG paths with customizable animations.
Convert GeoJSON geometry paths to SVG polyline elements
Svelte Action to capture smoothed signatures as SVG paths using the excellent [perfect-freehand]( library.
Lightweight, simple to use jQuery plugin to animate SVG paths