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Convert tabs to spaces in a string
An accessible and easy tab component for ReactJS
Accessible Tabs component for React and Chakra UI
- react
- react component
- tabs
- accessible tabs
- a11y tabs
- react a11y tabs
- react accessible tabs
- react tabs
- chakra ui
- chakra
- react tabs component
- a11y
- react aria tabs
- aria
provides locking mechanism to sync across browser tabs
Core logic for the tabs widget implemented as a state machine
Tabs organize content into multiple sections and allow users to navigate between them.
A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for React, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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hot reloads chrome extension on development, affects popup tabs and options page
Guess the indentation of a JSON string
- algorithm
- detection
- heuristic-algorithm
- heuristics
- indent
- indentation
- javascript
- json
- length
- library
- newline
- nodejs
- parsing
- serialization
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A middleware for redux to sync state in different tabs
OSX CLI for opening a new terminal tab/window, optionally with a command to execute and/or display settings
A multi-tab docking layout manager
- react
- layout
- dock
- popout
- tabs
- tabset
- splitter
- drag
- drop
- reactjs
- flexlayout
- flex layout
- layout manager
- drag and drop
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A collection of unstyled, accessible UI components for Solid, utilizing state machines for seamless interaction.
- accordion
- avatar
- carousel
- checkbox
- clipboard
- collapsible
- color picker
- combobox
- date picker
- dialog
- editable
- field
- fieldset
- file upload
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Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, grids and splitviews
- splitview
- split-view
- gridview
- grid-view
- dockview
- dock-view
- grid
- tabs
- layout
- layout manager
- dock layout
- dock
- docking
- splitter
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A tab scrolling component
dock layout for react component
Zero dependency layout manager supporting tabs, grids and splitviews
- splitview
- split-view
- gridview
- grid-view
- dockview
- dock-view
- grid
- tabs
- layout
- layout manager
- dock layout
- dock
- docking
- splitter
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An Asciidoctor.js extension that adds a tabs block to the AsciiDoc syntax.
a simple react scrollable tabs with a lot of additional features and with fully supporting of RTL mode
Material design tabs