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2KB immutable date time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
Time zone support for date-fns v3 with the Intl API
2KB immutable date time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API
Fake timers API for testdouble.js.
Unified API for password hashing algorithms
- account
- accounts
- algorithm
- algorithms
- APIs
- application
- argon2
- attack
- attacks
- auth
- authentication
- authorization
- bcrypt
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A simple JavaScript API for producing an accurate, intuitive description of the timespan between two Date instances.
Platform-independent extensible API for browser-based generative art
Enable DynamoDB's time-to-live feature to auto-delete old entries in your AWS Amplify API!
Chart.js adapter using browser standard Intl API for time functionalities
A simple JavaScript API for computing time from Now to A Given Time.
Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
Temporal API using luxon under the hoods
JS's library created to provide easy API for working with time duration. Based on ISO 8601. Inspired by [HumanizeDuration]( and [ISO8601-duration](
Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: `1337000000` → `15d 11h 23m 20s`
- pretty
- prettify
- human
- humanize
- humanized
- readable
- time
- ms
- milliseconds
- duration
- period
- range
- text
- string
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Timers extensions
Easy way to use the google timezone api
Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
Simplified high resolution timing
- time
- span
- elapsed
- process
- hrtime
- highres
- timing
- perf
- performance
- bench
- benchmark
- profiling
- measure
- seconds
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A calculator for humanity’s peculiar conventions of time.
Throttle promise-returning & async functions