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Convert and detect character encoding in JavaScript
- base64
- charset
- convert
- detect
- encoding
- euc-jp
- eucjp
- iconv
- iso-2022-jp
- japanese
- jis
- shift_jis
- sjis
- unicode
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Return an object as an 'x-www-form-urlencoded' string
- querystring
- x-www-form-urlencoded
- www-form-urlencoded
- form-urlencoded
- urlencoded
- urlencode
- encoding
- encoded
- encode
- form
- json encode
encodeURIComponent with charset
MIME related utility functions
PostCSS plugin to urlencode background svgs
Node ackage to encode and decode url-encoded strings from/to every possible encoding
convert multipart data to nested data
Percentage-encodes a single character.
a proxy JSDOM URL object
This is a tool for converting JSON object to an urlencode string like python's urllib.urlencode() method or decode an url to a JSON object.
URI encoding with support for character encoding.
Takes urlencoded form data in an express.js request object and turns it into a nested json object.
Converts JSON to form-urlencoded and vice versa
- json
- url
- parse
- encode
- encoding
- encoded
- decode
- searchparams
- querystring
- x-www-form-urlencoded
- urlencoded
- urlencode
- form
It Packs Some JS Helper Functions
- modules
- js-helpers
- helper-functions
- php
- locutus
- vsp
- javascript
- helpers
- utilites
- include
- array_combine
- array_count_values
- array_fill
- array_fill_keys
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encodeURIComponent with charset with typescript
urldecode for latin1 / ISO-8859-1
Encodes decode different types of string such as base64, javascript etc
A tool library for URL handling in javascript. It can be used in browser and node.js development env.
A streams2 Transform stream that urlencodes the text piped through it.
Return an object as an 'x-www-form-urlencoded' string
- aws
- querystring
- x-www-form-urlencoded
- www-form-urlencoded
- form-urlencoded
- urlencoded
- urlencode
- encoding
- encoded
- encode
- form
- json encode