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vue3-form-wizard is a vue based component with no external depenendcies which simplifies tab wizard management.
- vue
- vue3
- steppers
- vue-stepper
- vuejs
- form
- wizard
- tab
- nuxt
- vue3-form-wizard
- vue form wizard
- vue3 form wizard
- vue3 wizard
- vue3 form
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Form Wizard Vue 3 is a simple stepper/wizard component. It can be easily customized, has no dependencies, works in harmony with your components. ![Current Release]( ![Bundle Size](
vue3-form-wizard is a vue based component with no external depenendcies which simplifies tab wizard management.
- vue
- vue3
- steppers
- vue-stepper
- vuejs
- form
- wizard
- tab
- nuxt
- vue3-form-wizard
- vue form wizard
- vue3 form wizard
- vue3 wizard
- vue3 form
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Vue 3 module of JSON Forms
- vue
- vue3
- vue 3
- form
- forms
- json
- jsonforms
- frontend
- generator
- input
- renderengine
- jsonschema
- schema
- uischema
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Create conversational conditional-logic forms with Vue.js.
Vue 3 Vanilla renderers for JSON Forms
- vue
- vue3
- vue 3
- form
- forms
- json
- jsonforms
- frontend
- generator
- input
- renderengine
- jsonschema
- schema
- uischema
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Vue 3 Formik
- vue
- formik
- vue3
- vue3-formik
- vue-formik
- formik-vue
- vue-formik-vue
- vue-formik-form
- vue-formik-forms
- vue-formik-formik
A schema-based form generator component for Vue.js 3
基于element plus的form组件,进行封装,提供方便、灵活的配置和使用方式
Deeply un-reference Vue objects.
arco-design动态表单|form-create is a form generation component that can generate dynamic rendering, data collection, verification and submission functions through JSON. Supports 5 UI frameworks, and supports the generation of any Vue components. Built-in 20 k
Form state management and validation for Vue3
BootstrapVueNext is an early and lovely component library for Vue 3 & Nuxt 3 based on Bootstrap 5 and Typescript.
- vue3
- vue
- bootstrap
- components
- typescript
- javascript
- js
- library
- component library
- bootstrap-vue-next
- bootstrap-vue-3
- Bootstrap
- Nuxt
- Nuxtjs
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PrimeVue is an open source UI library for Vue featuring a rich set of 80+ components, a theme designer, various theme alternatives such as Material, Bootstrap, Tailwind, premium templates and professional support. In addition, it integrates with PrimeBloc
- primevue
- vue
- vue.js
- vue2
- vue3
- ui library
- component library
- material
- bootstrap
- fluent
- tailwind
- unstyled
- passthrough
Convert JSON to Vue Form
VantUI版本低代码表单|FormCreate 是一个可以通过 JSON 生成具有动态渲染、数据收集、验证和提交功能的低代码表单生成组件。支持6个UI框架,适配移动端,并且支持生成任何 Vue 组件。内置20种常用表单组件和自定义组件,再复杂的表单都可以轻松搞定。
Heavy form system for Vue.js
The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling you will get.
- slider
- carousel
- caroussel
- slideshow
- react
- react-native
- vue
- vue3
- vuejs
- javascript
- typescript
- angular
- webcomponents
- gallery
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Write once, create framework components that supports React, Vue, Svelte, and more.
Lightweight TypeScript-first Vue prop type definitions