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Jest plugin for filtering by filename or test name
React typeahead with Bootstrap styling
- auto complete
- auto suggest
- auto-complete
- auto-suggest
- autocomplete
- autosuggest
- bootstrap
- bootstrap tokenizer
- bootstrap typeahead
- bootstrap-tokenizer
- bootstrap-typeahead
- react
- react autocomplete
- react autosuggest
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Reactive, responsive, beautiful charts for Angular based on Chart.js
Angular file uploader
Angular 5+ component for rendering PDF
Simple drag and drop with dragula
A module for detecting and responding to the user becoming idle in Angular applications.
fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
Bootstrap 3 Typeahead: The typeahead autocomplete plugin for Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3.
A simple and lightweight Vue3 typeahead component that show a suggested list of elements while the user types in.
- autocomplete
- autosuggest
- typeahead
- select
- search
- searchbox
- enhanced input
- component
- vue-component
- vue3-simple-typeahead
- vue3-typeahead
- vue-typeahead
- vue-autocomplete
- v-typeahead
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Angular material-like dropdown component
A fast fully-featured standalone autocomplete library
- typeahead
- autocomplete
- auto-complete
- auto-search
- typeahead search
- bloodhound
- suggestion engine
- auto select
- suggest
- suggestions
- autosuggest
- search
- word completion
- twitter typeahead
Module that works with @ng-idle/core to keep a user session alive while user is active.
A typeahead/autocomplete component for Vue 2 using Bootstrap 4
<p align="center"> <img src="" width="200"> </p>
- angular
- device
- device detector
- device detection
- ngx-device-detector
- angular device detector
- angular5
- angular6
- angular7
- angular8
- angular18
- angular19
Angular2 noUiSlider component
React-based typeahead and typeahead-tokenizer
<p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="downloads"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="h
TypeScript definitions for typeahead.js
JavaScript client library for the Alfresco REST API