Search results
752 packages found
exact matchJava application that allows to transform a text to speech using [Google Translate unofficial Java API](
Cloud Text-to-Speech API client for Node.js
- google apis client
- google api client
- google apis
- google api
- google cloud platform
- google cloud
- cloud
- google texttospeech
- texttospeech
- Cloud Text-to-Speech API
The AssemblyAI JavaScript SDK provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the AssemblyAI API, which supports async and real-time transcription, as well as the latest LeMUR models.
Add real-time speech to text functionality into your website with no effort
Provides text-to-speech functionality.
Eleventy plugin that uses text-to-speech to generate audio assets for your website, then injects audio players in your HTML.
Single interface to Google, Microsoft and Amazon Text-To-Speech.
A free and unlimited API for Google Translate
Client library to use the IBM Watson Services
- assistant
- compare comply
- discovery
- ibm
- natural language classifier
- natural language understanding
- personality insights
- speech to text
- text to speech
- tone analyzer
- tone_analyzer
- visual recognition
- watson developer cloud
- watson
Rev AI makes speech applications easy to build!
- rev_ai
- Rev AI
- speech
- to
- text
- speechtotext
- automatic speech recognition
- speech recognition
- speech to text api
- speech rec
- speech api
A library for using Web Speech API with Angular
- angular
- ng
- speech-recognition
- speech-to-text
- speech
- speech-synthesis
- speech-api
- speechrecognition
- text-to-speech
Wrapper to transform any textinput into Speech-to-text Texinput
Generate an audio asset from a text.
add accessibility to your website
- accessibility
- website
- increase text size
- underline links
- text to speech
- invert colors
- gray hues
- big cursor
- reading guide
- speech to text
- suppress animations
Picovoice Orca Node.js binding
React component and hook to initiate a SpeechRecognition session
Web api for using VITS based models in the browser!
React Native Text-To-Speech module for Android and iOS
Text to speech interface for ioBroker.
Picovoice Leopard Node.js binding