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exact matchRFC9562 UUIDs
TypeScript definitions for uuid
RFC4122 UUID parser
A tiny (230B) and fast UUID (v4) generator for Node and the browser
Generating uuid-hash from string
UUID v4 generator and validator (RFC4122 compliant)
Add UUID to Vue instance.
Javascript validator for UUID versions 1 through 5
Angular 2 / TypeScript crypto-secure UUID generator
TypeScript definitions for uuid-validate
TypeScript definitions for node-uuid
UUID check for Node and the browser
TypeScript definitions for is-uuid
react-native-uuid is a zero-dependency TypeScript implementation of RFC4122.
uuid-int for nodejs
A simple node js implementation of uuid v4 for use with Braintree's JS based SDKs.
Pure JavaScript Based Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
Generate random or sequential UUID of any length
Simple UUID generation