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3.3.0 • Public • Published


A pretty overpowered SSR engine for express!

  • Express SSR
  • Component SSR
  • Route Maps
  • Utility HTML Functions


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Getting Started

Webity is a hybrid typescript library. It supports import and require statements.


import { render, Router } from 'webity'
import express from 'express'


const { render, Router } = require('webity')
const express = require('express')

The Router wrapper class creates a webity router on top of an Express applicaiton. The router automatically renders pages according to the route. You can always access Router.app to perform other express methods.

const app = express()
const router = new Router(app)


Always place an index.html file in your folders. Never place an HTML file in your static express folder. This is an example that follows the recommended folder structure.

  • public/
    • style.css
    • script.js
  • views/
    • about/
      • index.html
    • index.html
    • page.html
    • meta.html
  • index.js


The Webity SSR engine supports pure HTML. There is no need to use other file extensions or syntax highlighters!

Server Variables

Variables can be rendered by the server and sent as HTML files.

There are two options. The Router class or the render function.

const app = express()
const router = new Router(app)


router.route('', 'get', { message: 'Hello!', todo: ['First', 'Second'] })

// no need to configure routing for subdirectories due to recursion


The render function gives you more control but is more manual.

const app = express()


app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send(render('views', 'index.html', { message: 'Hello!', todo: ['First', 'Second'] }))

// every route needs to be configured manually


The $ symbol indicates that the file parameter of the include(file) function is an absolute path. Anything inside %{}% brackets is rendered by the server.

Warning Using regular expressions or single-line // comments is not recommended

<!-- returns 'Hello!' -->
%{ message }%
<!-- renders main.html from absolute path -->
%{ include('$main.html') }%
<!-- renders main.html from relative path -->
%{ include('main.html') }%


Any script tag to do with components needs a webity attribute.

Components are more advanced and are designed to work with the client. The server configures components before they are shipped to the client. The $import(file) function imports a component from another HTML file. The first HTML tag with the same name as the component's file name (due to querySelector) will be replaced with the component's HTML. For example, the $import('page') function in the webity script of index.html will read page.html in the same directory and replace all <page></page> elements in index.html with the template of page.html. Anything inside the <page></page> elements will replace the <slot/> of page.html if it has a slot.

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- views/meta.html is rendered -->
  %{ include('$meta.html') }%
  <title>%{ message }%</title>
  <!-- required for webity scripts -->
  <div id="root">
    <!-- rendered content will go in #root -->
    <page list="[['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]">
    <page list="[['X'], ['Y']]">
  <script webity>
    const Page = $import('page')
    const page = new Page()

The page.html file contains the definitions for the exported component. Any attribute inside double curly brackets {{}} will be replaced with its value. More advanced rendering will be available later. Reactivity will also be added to components in the future.

<!-- page.html -->
    <!-- slots will be replaced with the innerHTML of a <page></page> element -->
    <!-- app SSR renders <li></li> elements -->
    %{ loop(todo, item => element('li', item, {})) }%
    <!-- component SSR renders nested elements with classes -->
    {{ loop(list, row => element('ul', loop(row, cell => element('li', cell, { class: 'webity' })), {})) }}
    <!-- same thing but with better syntax highlighting -->
    <script inline>loop(list, row => element('ul', loop(row, cell => element('li', cell, { class: 'webity' })), {}))</script>
<!-- webity scripts are rendered -->
<script webity>
  class Page extends Component {
    constructor() {

    sayHello() {

The include(file: string) function can render other pages in a file.

<!-- meta.html -->
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Route Maps

Router.routeWithMap(path: string, method: Method, routeMap: Record<string, RouteData>, onError: ((name: string, req: Request, res: Response) => any)): Router 

This Router method allows different locals to be used for different routes. A RouteData type can be an object or a function like (req: Request, res: Response) => Record<string, any> that returns an object dynamically.

const errorHandler = (name, req, res) => res.status(404).send('Error 404')

router.routeWithMap('', 'get', {
  '': { message: 'Home', todo: ['First', 'Second'] },
  'about': { message: 'About', todo: ['X', 'Y'] }
}, errorHandler),

Different pages can have different locals. Express parameters and queries can be accessed by callback functions.

The RouteData type can be imported if necessary.

type RouteData = Record<string, any> | ((req: Request, res: Response) => Record<string, any>)

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