<h1 align="center">Backpackjs</h1> <br> <p align="center"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/yGFIcpZ.jpg" width="200"> </p>
published version 1.2.4, 2 years agoA modern development toolkit for Shopify themes
published version 1.0.0-beta.18, 5 years ago- published version 1.1.71, 5 years ago
something something whatever who gives a crap.
published version 0.1.23, 5 years ago- published version 1.1.167, 4 years ago
Track lighthouse performance, improvements and regressions per deployment
published version 0.0.4, 5 years agoRipperoni's UI components library
published version 1.1.83, 4 years agoutilities for use with the ripperoni suite of tools
published version 3.0.3, 4 years ago`gatsby new <site-name> https://github.com/packdigital/gatsby-starter-bedrock`
published version 1.0.1, 5 years ago- `gatsby new <site-name> https://github.com/packdigital/ripperoni-starter`
published version 0.1.7, 5 years agosomething something whatever who gives a crap.
published version 0.3.28, 4 years ago- published version 1.0.27, 4 years ago
```json { "arrowParens": "avoid", "bracketSpacing": true, "endOfLine": "lf", "htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "ignore", "insertPragma": true, "jsxBracketSameLine": false, "jsxSingleQuote": true, "parser": "babel", "printWidth": 160, "prose
published version 1.0.13, 4 years ago```js { plugins: [ '@babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining', ], presets: [ [ 'babel-preset-gatsby', { 'targets': { 'browsers': [ '>0.25%', 'not dead' ] } } ]
published version 3.0.3, 4 years agosomething something whatever who gives a crap.
published version 1.0.5, 4 years ago1. Make sure the google sheet is either public or shared with this email: `redirects@redirects-280500.iam.gserviceaccount.com` 2. Make sure the title of the sheet is `301`
published version 1.2.14, 4 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 0.0.24, 5 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 0.0.11, 5 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 1.0.3, 4 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 1.0.6, 4 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 1.0.3, 4 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 0.0.4, 5 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 1.0.3, 4 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 1.0.4, 4 years ago> ⚠️ WIP - Rest in pepperoni.
published version 1.0.3, 4 years ago