Looker Extension SDK for React
published version 25.0.0, 22 days agoThis package contains our default looker theme values, including font families, font sizes, and colors.
published version 3.1.3, a year agoIcons are defined in SVG format and are automatically built by a build script to ensure they remain consistent.
published version 1.5.21, 3 years agoShared functions used for mocking and testing Looker UI Components.
published version 1.5.27, 2 years ago## looker-open-source Typescript / Javascript Configuration
published version 1.5.1, 4 years ago- published version 1.5.1, 3 years ago
> Context providers for use with Looker Components.
published version 1.5.34, a year agoLooker SDK Codegen utils
published version 21.0.18, 22 days agoLooker SDK Codegen scripts
published version 21.5.28, 22 days ago## @looker/components StyleLint Configuration
published version 1.5.19, 3 years ago## 🚨🚨 EXPERIMENTAL - NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE 🚨🚨
published version 1.4.2, 4 years agoLooker SDK Runtime for Node Library
published version 25.0.0, 22 days agoThis package is a supplement to @looker/components with some Date-related components that depend on `date-fns` and `react-date-picker`
published version 3.0.11, 3 years agoA syntax highlighter Viewer and Editor for Looker SDK supported languages.
published version 0.1.38, 22 days agoA dynamic REST request input form and response visualizer
published version 0.9.71, 22 days agoThis TypeScript package provides the necessary functions for transforming [Looker filter expressions](https://cloud.google.com/looker/docs/reference/filter-expressions) into data structures and localized text summaries – and vice versa.
published version 1.0.4, a year ago- [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Components](#components) - [Utilities](#utilities)
published version 1.2.2, a year agoThis repository provides shared configuration for tooling used in Typescript/Javascript projects in development as part of the `@looker/components`
published version 1.7.21, 3 years agoThis is a low-level package used within the Looker Visualizations Components library. This package contains all the types, utilities, data transformations, and adapters, which are agnostic to any one charting library and will be referenced by other higher
published version 1.0.3, 2 years agoThis package stores the core web component used for Looker's open source table visualization.
published version 1.1.3, 2 years ago