Exposes a listing of common public APIs from the Magic JS SDK ecosystem.
published version 25.0.1, 7 days agoA tool for quickly scaffolding an app with Magic authentication baked-in!
published version 0.1.3, 4 years agoFeature-parity with NextJS's built-in CSS with the flexibility to support your favorite pre-processor(s)!
published version 1.0.0, 3 years agoPasswordless authentication for the web with an out-of-the-box UI.
published version 23.0.1, 7 days agoMagic SDK Connect Extension for Web environments.
published version 9.1.0, 2 years agoMagic OIDC SDK Extension for Web environments.
published version 12.0.1, 7 days agoPasswordless authentication for React Native (Bare).
published version 30.0.1, 7 days agoPasswordless authentication for React Native (Expo).
published version 30.0.1, 7 days agoMagic SDK OAuth Extension for Bare React Native environments.
published version 26.0.1, 7 days agoMagic SDK OAuth Extension for Expo React Native environments.
published version 26.0.1, 7 days agoMagic SDK Extension for the Auth module
published version 4.3.2, a year ago