
Ivan Tymoshenko
  • Stringify your JSON at max speed

    published 6.0.0 3 months ago
  • Bridge for database connector(for now only Firebase).

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Service that send work to DAL related to products (search, filted, get categories, attributes, tags etc.)

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Live search input for products

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Form to add new product

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • 1. Set device Id 2. Set session Id 3. Track visited routes of user 4. Track user clicks 5. Detect mobile device

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Form to add new categories, attributes, tags

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Generate attrribute filter component that integrates into Product List Component

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Save and remove products in basket, track user basket history

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Display user basket

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Component that display available Categories

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Display product by ID from REST route

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Displays product from specific category

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Generate tags filter that integrate into Product List Component

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Angular 2 webpack loader that convert templates and styles paths in components if there are custom templates.

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Simple Observable pattern

    published 1.0.15 7 years ago
  • Gets child categories from some general category and emits selected category to the top. This component is integrated into product general component.

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Show all products from some general category or from specific child category from general category. This component is integrated into `Product general component`

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Shows products from child categories of some general category

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Loading indicator that you can integrate to your component where your wait data from requests. Used component from [angular-2-loading-indicator](https://github.com/colinjlacy/angular-2-loading-indicator) Docs on the last url or below. ## Usage: Pul

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Available payments: * 2Checkout

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
  • Asynchronous bootstrapping of Node applications

    published 9.0.0 19 days ago
  • AsyncBuffer is used for async tasks accumulation and calling them sequentially after buffer limit will be exceeded. By default AsyncBuffer starts its operation automatically just after tasks limit is reached.

    published 1.1.2 7 years ago
  • **GoogleAuth**

    published 2.1.56 7 years ago
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