A small collection of component utility functions
published version 3.14.1, 3 years agoForm validation mixin for AoflElement
published version 3.14.2, 18 days agoPrunes webcomponent css
published version 3.5.0, 5 years agoGenerates tt-tags and inserts them as the 1st argument to __, _c fucntion calls
published version 3.14.1, 3 years agoMaterial Design icons aofl web components
published version 1.0.0-pre.1, 6 years agoThis is a plugin for [html-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/jantimon/html-webpack-plugin). It uses [PurifyCSS](https://github.com/purifycss/purifycss) to remove all unused css rules from internal styles of the generated html.
published version 3.5.0, 5 years agoShareable eslint config for AofL JS
published version 2.0.0, 5 years agoImplements `__()`, `_r()` and `_c()` functions for translations.
published version 3.14.1, 3 years agoHot Module replacement (HMR) Webpack Loader
published version 3.5.0, 5 years agoShared library for cli and various webpack plugins.
published version 3.14.0, 3 years agoaofl-element extends lit-element and overrides the _render() function. It accepts a template function and an String[] of styles. It is intented to be used in place of lit-element as the base class for elements. In it's current version it doesn't do much o
published version 3.14.1, 3 years agoThe <aofl-drawer> element toggles content between an open and closed state. Opening and closing animations are provided as classes to allow for any possible method of toggling content.
published version 3.14.1, 3 years ago`<aofl-picture>` serves as a container for zero or more `<aofl-source>` and one `<aofl-img>` elements to provide versions of an image for different display sizes. Display size specific sources are defined using the media attribute of the `aofl-source` ele
published version 3.14.1, 3 years agoThe <aofl-select-list> takes any number of <aofl-list-option>. Selecting any option will give it a selected attribute with. Selecting an option emits an event with the selected value. The <aofl-multiselect-list> takes any number of <aofl-list-option>. Sel
published version 3.14.1, 3 years ago@aofl/wdio is an end to end testing framework that serves as a wrapper for WebDriverIO's test framework. Our package is application agnostic, but additional commands for interacting and testing Web Components have been added to reflect the bulk of testing
published version 3.14.0, 3 years agoRemoves unused css rules
published version 4.0.0-alpha.23, 3 years ago