
Shawn Swyx Wang
  • published 1.0.0 5 years ago
  • published 1.0.0 5 years ago
  • ssgjs helper for pulling content from dev.to

    published 0.0.9 5 years ago
  • may need the project to locally install `axe-core`, the resolution is [a little weird](https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-cli/blob/819eaf299affdcb9e8e9ec76b843e231778612c1/lib/utils.js)

    published 0.0.4 5 years ago
  • fail netlify build if html goes missing with no redirects

    published 0.0.15 4 years ago
  • this plugin is an unusual one. it has a CLI that works outside of the build bot.

    published 0.0.5 5 years ago
  • Generate a Search Index you can query via JavaScript or a Netlify Function

    published 0.1.6 4 years ago
  • netlify-plugin-rss

    published 0.0.8 4 years ago
  • Run your critical pages through [pa11y](https://github.com/pa11y/pa11y) and fail build if accessibility failures are found.

    published 0.0.12 4 years ago
  • A package to create a sign bunny character.

    published 0.0.6 4 years ago
  • TodoMVC with a clean React implementation (no Redux). Use this as an easy demo to show off your backend integrations. (e.g. React + Firebase, React + AWS Amplify, React + Node/Express/Mongo, etc.)

    published 0.0.7 4 years ago
  • plug and play React components to show off your backend tech by implementing a small set of methods!

    published 0.0.13 4 years ago
  • a rollup plugin for react sfcs

    published 0.1.0 4 years ago
  • Swyx's proposal for bringing Single File Components to React. [Other proposals can be found here](https://github.com/react-sfc/react-sfc-proposal).

    published 0.1.1 4 years ago
  • A Prototype svelte actions for inclusion into official actions in future. [See RFC](https://github.com/sveltejs/rfcs/pull/24) and [Discuss High Level Policy](https://github.com/sw-yx/svelte-actions/issues/7).

    published 0.2.2 3 years ago
  • This is a demo library built with [Temporal's TypeScript SDK](https://temporal.io/node) to demonstrate that:

    published 0.1.2 3 years ago
  • This is a library with some reusable functions for [Temporal.io TypeScript SDK](https://docs.temporal.io/docs/typescript/introduction):

    published 0.0.5 3 years ago
  • buncha useful svelte shit

    published 0.0.7 2 years ago
  • Use SmolAI's API from an edge runtime, using standard Web APIs only

    published 0.0.10 a year ago
  • **A minimal viable logger for Prompt/LLM App Engineering.**

    published 0.0.21 a year ago
  • published 1.0.0 a year ago