TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.1 • Public • Published

Vendure Plugin Template

This is a template for a plugin for the Vendure e-commerce framework.

It is intended for plugins which are to be distributed as npm packages, either publicly or privately. Further information on how Vendure plugins can be used can be found in the vendure.io Plugins documentation.

e2e Testing

See src/e2e for details, run tests with:

yarn test

GraphQL Codegen

This repository can automatically generate GraphQL types for use in the plugin code (see src/e2e/plugin.e2e-spec.ts). To generate the types, ensure the development server is running, and use the command:

yarn dev:generate-types


This repository uses eslint & Prettier for finding and fixing common code issues and formatting your code in a standard way. To identify and fix issues, use the command:

yarn lint:fix

Development Server

A development server is configured in the dev-server folder, using Docker and Docker Compose to spin up a Postgres database, as well as a server and worker. This is used to test the plugin during development.

To start the server, run:

yarn dev:run

To populate or reset the database, run the following command:

yarn dev:populate

To restart the server (only) after a change, use the following command:

yarn dev:restart

Note: The Docker containers must be rebuilt when updating dependencies. Use the following command:

yarn dev:rebuild



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npm i @asiz33/smartblok-vendure-plugin

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  • asiz33