
3.2.13 • Public • Published

Amplify SDK.

The Amplify SDK for Node.js is a set of APIs for authenticating, switching selected organization, creating MBS apps and users, and Titanium SDK support.


npm i @axway/amplify-sdk --save


import AmplifySDK from "@axway/amplify-sdk";

// opts can include `env` as well as any Amplify Auth SDK constructor opts
// (see https://www.npmjs.com/package/@axway/amplify-auth-sdk)
const sdk = new AmplifySDK({ ...opts });


// get all authenticated accounts
const accounts = await sdk.auth.list();

// find an authenticated account by name and refresh access token if needed
let account = await sdk.auth.find('<client_id>:<email>');

// log into a platform account using pkce browser-based flow
account = await sdk.auth.login();

// log into a service account using client secret
account = await sdk.auth.login({ clientSecret: 'mysecret' });

// log into a service account using PEM formatted private key to sign JWT
account = await sdk.auth.login({ secretFile: '/path/to/pem/file' });

// log into a platform account using service account and platform tooling credentials
account = await sdk.auth.login({
	clientSecret: 'mysecret',
	username: 'my@email.com',
	password: '123456'

// or
account = await sdk.auth.login({
	secretFile: '/path/to/pem/file'
	username: 'my@email.com',
	password: '123456'

// switch active org, assuming you belong to more than one
await sdk.auth.switchOrg(account, orgGuid);
console.log(`Active org is now ${account.org.name}`);

// log out of specific or all accounts
await sdk.auth.logout({ accounts: [ account ] });
// or: await sdk.auth.logout({ all: true });

// show auth server info
const info = await sdk.auth.serverInfo();

Selected Team

When calling sdk.auth.find() or sdk.auth.list(), the returned account object(s) will contain a team property that contains the selected team. By default, the selected team will be the default team for the current org. However, you may pass in an object of account hashes to team guids for selecting a specific team.

The idea is you can pass in the entire auth.defaultTeam object from the Axway CLI config:

// no strictly required, but handy if you want to support preprod
const { getAuthConfigEnvSpecifier } = require("@axway/amplify-cli-utils");
const authConfigEnvSpecifier = getAuthConfigEnvSpecifier(sdk.env.name);
const defaultTeams = config.get(`${authConfigEnvSpecifier}.defaultTeam`);

const account = await sdk.auth.find("<client_id>:<email>", defaultTeams);

const accounts = await sdk.auth.list({
  validate: true,


// get all orgs
const orgs = await sdk.org.list(account);

// find a single org
const org = await sdk.org.find(account, "org name/id/guid");

// get org activity
const { from, to, events } = await sdk.org.activity(account, "org name/id/guid", {
  from: "2021-01-01",
  to: "2021-01-31",

// retrieve a list of all available platform environments such
// as 'production' and 'development'
const envs = await sdk.org.getEnvironments(account);

// get org family including child orgs
const family = await sdk.org.family(account, "org name/id/guid");

// rename an org
await sdk.org.rename(account, "org name/id/guid", "new org name");

// get org usage
const usage = await sdk.org.usage(account, "org name/id/guid", {
  from: "2021-01-01",
  to: "2021-01-31",

// list all members of an org
const { users } = await sdk.org.member.list(account, "org name/id/guid");

// get info for an org member
const user = await sdk.org.member.find(account, "org name/id/guid", "user guid or email");

// add a user to an org
// see https://platform.axway.com/api-docs.html#operation/org_userCreate
const roles = ["administrator"]; // 'developer', 'read_only', etc...
await sdk.org.member.add(account, "org name/id/guid", "user guid or email", roles);

// change a member's role in an org
await sdk.org.member.update(account, "org name/id/guid", "user guid or email", roles);

// remove a member from an org
await sdk.org.member.remove(account, "org name/id/guid", "user guid or email");


// get org and team roles
const orgRoles = await sdk.role.list(account);

const teamRoles = await sdk.role.list(account, { team: true });


// get all teams for an org
const { teams } = await sdk.team.list(account, "org name/id/guid");

// get team info
const { team } = await sdk.team.find(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid");

// create a new team
await sdk.team.create(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name", {
  // optional
  desc: "Tiger team",
  default: false,
  tags: ["foo", "bar"],

// update team info
const { changes, team } = await sdk.team.update(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid", {
  // optional
  desc: "Tiger team",
  default: false,
  tags: ["foo", "bar"],

// remove a team
await sdk.team.remove(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid");

// list all members of a team
const { users } = await sdk.team.member.list(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid");

// get info for an org member
const user = await sdk.team.member.find(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid", "user guid or email");

// add a user to an org
// see https://platform.axway.com/api-docs.html#operation/team_userAdd
const roles = ["administrator"]; // 'developer', 'read_only', etc...
await sdk.team.member.add(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid", "user guid or email", roles);

// change a member's role in a team
await sdk.team.member.update(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid", "user guid or email", roles);

// remove a member from an org
await sdk.team.member.remove(account, "org name/id/guid", "team name or guid", "user guid or email");


// find a user
const user = await sdk.user.find(account, "org name/id/guid", "user guid or email");

// get user activity
const activity = await sdk.user.activity(account, {
  from: "2021-01-01",
  to: "2021-01-31",

// update user info
const { changes, user } = await sdk.user.update(account, {
  firstname: "Elite",
  lastname: "Coder",
  phone: "555-1212",

Account Object

Account objects contain the user info, organization info, and authentication tokens.

account: {
	auth {
		authenticator: 'PKCE',
		baseUrl: 'https://login.axway.com',
		clientId: 'amplify-cli',
		env: {
			name: 'prod',
			baseUrl: 'https://login.axway.com',
			redirectLoginSuccess: 'https://platform.axway.com/'
		expires: { access: 1587685009628, refresh: 1587700615628 },
		realm: 'Broker',
		tokens: {
			access_token: '<SNIP>',
			expires_in: 1800,
			refresh_expires_in: 17406,
			refresh_token: '<SNIP>',
			token_type: 'bearer',
			id_token: '<SNIP>',
			'not-before-policy': 1571719187,
			session_state: '<SNIP>',
			scope: 'openid'
	hash: 'amplify-cli:abcdef1234567890',
	name: 'amplify-cli:user@domain.com',
	org: {
		guid: '<GUID>',
		id: 12345,
		name: 'Example Org'
	orgs: [
		{ /* org */ },
		{ /* org */ }
	user: {
		axwayId:      '<SNIP>',
		email:        '',
		firstName:    '',
		guid:         '',
		lastName:     '',
		organization: '',
		is2FAEnabled: true
	sid: '<SNIP>'


This project is open source under the Apache Public License v2 and is developed by Axway, Inc and the community. Please read the LICENSE file included in this distribution for more information.



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