
0.0.84 • Public • Published


A React + d3 library for creating histograms. Vertical or horizontal, raw data or binned data, numeric or categorical bins, counts or densities, cumulative or not.

npm install --save @data-ui/histogram

Demo it live at williaster.github.io/data-ui.

Example usage

Similar to the @data-ui/xy-chart package, this @data-ui/histogram package exports a parent <Histogram /> container component that renders an svg and coordinates scales across its children. You can pass the parent container optionally-animated <BarSeries /> and/or <DensitySeries /> as well as <XAxis /> and <YAxis />.

import { Histogram, DensitySeries, BarSeries, withParentSize, XAxis, YAxis } from '@data-ui/histogram';

const ResponsiveHistogram = withParentSize(({ parentWidth, parentHeight, ...rest}) => (

const rawData = Array(100).fill().map(Math.random);

  render () {
    return (
        ariaLabel="My histogram of ..."
        valueAccessor={datum => datum}
        renderTooltip={({ event, datum, data, color }) => (
            <strong style={{ color }}>{datum.bin0} to {datum.bin1}</strong>
            <div><strong>count </strong>{datum.count}</div>
            <div><strong>cumulative </strong>{datum.cumulative}</div>
            <div><strong>density </strong>{datum.density}</div>
          rawData={rawData /* or binnedData={...} */}
        <XAxis />
        <YAxis />

Demo with the Histogram playground.


Check out the example source code and PropTable tabs in the Storybook williaster.github.io/data-ui.

<Histogram />

Name Type Default Description
ariaLabel PropTypes.string.isRequired - Accessibility label
binValues PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string])) null Bin thresholds, overrides binCount
binCount PropTypes.number 10 an approximate number of bins to use (if data is not already binned)
binType PropTypes.oneOf(['numeric', 'categorical']) 'numeric' Specify whether to bins are categorical or numeric
children PropTypes.node.isRequired - Child Series, Axis, or other
cumulative PropTypes.bool false whether to show a cumulative histogram
height PropTypes.number.isRequired - height of the visualization
horizontal PropTypes.bool false whether the histograms is oriented vertically or horizontally
limits PropTypes.array null values outside the limits are ignored
margin PropTypes.shape({ top: PropTypes.number, right: PropTypes.number, bottom: PropTypes.number, left: PropTypes.number }) { top: 32, right: 32, bottom: 64, left: 64 } chart margin, leave room for axes and labels!
normalized PropTypes.bool false whether the value axis is normalized as fraction of total
theme PropTypes.object {} chart theme object, see theme below.
width PropTypes.number.isRequired - width of the svg
valueAccessor PropTypes.func d => d for raw data, how to access the bin value

<*Series />

<BarSeries /> and <DensitySeries /> components accept either rawData or binnnedData. Raw data can be in any format as long as the value of each datum can be accessed with the Histogram valueAccessor function. Binned data should have the following shapes:

export const numericBinnedDatumShape = PropTypes.shape({
  id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  bin0: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  bin1: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
  count: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

export const categoricalBinnedDatumShape = PropTypes.shape({
  id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  bin: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  count: PropTypes.number.isRequired,

If both rawData and binnnedData are provided, rawData is ignored.

<BarSeries />

Name Type Default Description
animated PropTypes.bool true whether to animate updates to the data in the series
rawData PropTypes.array [] raw datum
binnedData binnedDataShape [] binned data
fill PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]) @data-ui/theme.color.default determines bar fill color
fillOpacity PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.number]) 0.7 opacity of bar fill
stroke PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]) 'white' determines bar stroke color
strokeWidth PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.number]) 1 determines width of bar outline
onClick PropTypes.func -- Called on bar click with a signature of ({ event, data, datum, color, index })

<DensitySeries />

For raw data that is numeric, the <DensitySeries /> plots an estimates of the probability density function, i.e., a kernel density estimate. If pre-aggregated and/or categorical data is passed to the Series, it plots an Area graph of values based on the data counts.

Name Type Default Description
animated PropTypes.bool true whether to animate updates to the data in the series
rawData PropTypes.array [] raw datum
binnedData binnedDataShape [] binned data
fill PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]) @data-ui/theme.color.default determines bar fill color
kernel PropTypes.oneOf(['gaussian', 'parabolic']) 'gaussian' kernel function type, parabolic = epanechnikov kernel
showArea PropTypes.bool true whether to show density area fill
showLine PropTypes.bool true whether to show density line path
smoothing PropTypes.number 1 smoothing constant for parabolic / epanechinikov kernel function
fillOpacity PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.number]) 0.7 opacity of area fill if shown
stroke PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]) 'white' determines line color if shown
strokeWidth PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.number]) 2 determines width of line path if shown
strokeDasharray PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.func, PropTypes.string]) '' determines dash pattern of line if shown
strokeLinecap PropTypes.oneOf(['butt', 'square', 'round', 'inherit']) 'round' style of line path stroke
useEntireScale PropTypes.bool false if true, density plots will scale to fill the entire y-range of the plot. if false, the maximum value is scaled to the count of the series

<XAxis /> and <YAxis />

Name Type Default Description
axisStyles axisStylesShape {} config object for axis and axis label styles, see theme below
label PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.element]) <text {...axisStyles.label[orientation]} /> string or component for axis labels
numTicks PropTypes.number null approximate number of ticks
orientation XAxis PropTypes.oneOf(['bottom', 'top']) or YAxis PropTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']) bottom, left orientation of axis
tickStyles tickStylesShape {} config object for styling ticks and tick labels, see theme below
tickLabelComponent PropTypes.element <text {...tickStyles.label[orientation]} /> component to use for tick labels
tickFormat PropTypes.func null (tick, tickIndex) => formatted tick
tickValues PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string])) null custom tick values


Tooltips are supported for histogram BarSeries. The easiest way to use tooltips out of the box is by passing a renderTooltip function to <Histogram /> as shown in the above example. This function takes an object with the shape { event, datum, data, color } as input and should return the inner contents of the tooltip (not the tooltip container!) as shown above. datum corresponds to the binned data point, see the above-specified shapes which depend on whether your bins are categorical or numeric. color represents the bar fill. If this function returns a falsy value, a tooltip will not be rendered.

Under the covers this will wrap the <Histogram /> component in the exported <WithTooltip /> HOC, which wraps the svg in a <div /> and handles the positioning and rendering of an HTML-based tooltip with the contents returned by renderTooltip(). This tooltip is aware of the bounds of its container and should position itself "smartly".

If you'd like more customizability over tooltip rendering you can do either of the following:

  1. Roll your own tooltip positioning logic and pass onMouseMove and onMouseLeave functions to Histogram. These functions are passed to the <BarSeries /> children and are called with the signature onMouseMove({ data, datum, event, color }) and onMouseLeave() upon appropriate trigger.

  2. Wrap <Histogram /> in <WithTooltip /> yourself, which accepts props for additional customization:

Name Type Default Description
children PropTypes.func or PropTypes.object - Child function (to call) or element (to clone) with onMouseMove, onMouseLeave, and tooltipData props/keys
className PropTypes.string - Class name to add to the <div> container wrapper
renderTooltip PropTypes.func.isRequired - Renders the contents of the tooltip, signature of ({ event, data, datum, color, index }) => node. If this function returns a falsy value, a tooltip will not be rendered.
styles PropTypes.object {} Styles to add to the <div> container wrapper
TooltipComponent PropTypes.func or PropTypes.object @vx's TooltipWithBounds Component (not instance) to use as the tooltip container component. It is passed top and left numbers for positioning
tooltipProps PropTypes.object - Props that are passed to TooltipComponent
tooltipTimeout PropTypes.number 200 Timeout in ms for the tooltip to hide upon calling onMouseLeave


A theme object with the following shape can be passed to <Histogram /> to style the chart, axes, and series. Alternatively, keys (eg xAxisStyles) can be passed directly to the axes components.

See @data-ui/theme for an example.

export const themeShape = PropTypes.shape({
  gridStyles: PropTypes.shape({
    stroke: PropTypes.string,
    strokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
  xAxisStyles: PropTypes.shape({
    stroke: PropTypes.string,
    strokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
    label: PropTypes.shape({
      bottom: PropTypes.object,
      top: PropTypes.object,
  yAxisStyles: PropTypes.shape({
    stroke: PropTypes.string,
    strokeWidth: PropTypes.number,
    label: PropTypes.shape({
      left: PropTypes.object,
      right: PropTypes.object,
  xTickStyles: PropTypes.shape({
    stroke: PropTypes.string,
    tickLength: PropTypes.number,
    label: PropTypes.shape({
      bottom: PropTypes.object,
      top: PropTypes.object,
  yTickStyles: PropTypes.shape({
    stroke: PropTypes.string,
    tickLength: PropTypes.number,
    label: PropTypes.shape({
      left: PropTypes.object,
      right: PropTypes.object,


npm install
yarn run dev # or 'build'

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