
0.31.2 • Public • Published

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pf (parser functions) is a fast and extensible command-line data (e.g. JSON) processor similar to jq and fx.

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Installation is done using the global npm install command.

$ npm install --global @pfx/pf

Try pf --help to see if the installation was successful.


  • 🚀 Blazing fast: >2x faster than jq and >10x faster than fx in transforming json.
  • Highly extensible: Trivial to write your own parser, lexer, and marshaller plugins.
  • 🙀 Not limited to JSON: Also supports parsing and writing other data formats via plugins.
  • 🐏 Configurable DSL: Add Ramda, Lodash or any other library for transforming JSON.
  • 💦 Streaming support: Supports streaming JSON out of the box.

Getting Started

Using pf to select all Unix timestamps from a large file containing all seconds of 2019 (602 MB, 31536000 lines) in JSON format takes ~18 seconds (macOS 10.15, 2.8 GHz i7 processor):

$ pf "json => json.time" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl

jq takes 2.5x longer (~46 seconds) and fx takes 16x longer (~290 seconds). See the performance section for details.

pf also works on streams of JSON objects:

$ curl -s "https://swapi.co/api/films/" |
  pf "json => json.results" -l jsonObj -a flatMap -K '["episode_id","title"]' |

{"episode_id":1,"title":"The Phantom Menace"}
{"episode_id":2,"title":"Attack of the Clones"}
{"episode_id":3,"title":"Revenge of the Sith"}
{"episode_id":4,"title":"A New Hope"}
{"episode_id":5,"title":"The Empire Strikes Back"}
{"episode_id":6,"title":"Return of the Jedi"}
{"episode_id":7,"title":"The Force Awakens"}

See the usage and performance sections below for more examples.

Introductory Blogposts

For a quick start, read the following medium posts:

  • Getting started with pf (TODO)
  • Building pf from scratch (TODO)
  • Comparing pf's performance to jq and fx (TODO)

Parser Functions

The pf philosophy is to provide a small, robust frame for processing large data files and streams with JavaScript functions. This involves lexing, parsing, applying functions, and marshalling data. However, pf does not reinvent parsers and marshallers, but instead uses awesome libraries from Node.js' ecosystem to do the job. But since most parser libraries need to know their full input in advance, pf supports them with lexing by dividing large data files into chunks that are parsed independently. It then applies functions on the parsed data.

Expressed in code, it works like this:

function pf (chunk) {            // Data chunks are passed to pf from stdin.
  const tokens = lex(chunk)      // The chunks are lexed and tokens are identified.
  const jsons  = parse(tokens)   // The tokens get parsed into JSON objects. 
  const jsons2 = apply(f, jsons) // f is applied to each object and new JSON objects are returned.
  const string = marshal(jsons2) // The new objects are converted to a string.
  process.stdout.write(string)   // The string is written to stdout.

Lexing, parsing, and marshalling JSON is provided by the @pfx/json plugin.


The following plugins are available:

Lexers Parsers Applicators Marshallers pf
@pfx/pf id id id id
@pfx/base line map, flatMap, filter toString
@pfx/json jsonObj json json
@pfx/dsv csv, tsv, ssv, dsv csv
@pfx/sample sample sample sample sample

The last column states which plugins come preinstalled in pf. Refer to the .pfrc Module section to see how to enable more plugins and how to develop plugins. New pf plugins are developed in the pf-sandbox repository.


@pfx/json's lexers and parsers are build for speed and beat jq and fx in several benchmarks (see medium post (TODO) for details):

pf (time) jq (time) fx (time) jq (RAM) pf (RAM) fx (RAM) all (CPU)
Benchmark A 18s 46s 290s 1MB 46MB 54MB 100%
Benchmark B 42s 164s 463s 1MB 48MB 73MB 100%
Benchmark C 14s 44s 96s 1MB 48MB 51MB 100%

pf beats jq and fx in processing speed in all three benchmarks. Since jq is written in C, it easily beats pf and fx in RAM usage. All three run single-threaded and use 100% of one CPU core.

.pfrc Module

Users may extend and modify pf by providing a .pfrc module. If you wish to do that, create a ~/.pfrc/index.js file and insert the following base structure:

module.exports = {
  plugins:  [],
  context:  {},
  defaults: {}

The following sections will walk you through all capabilities of .pfrc modules. If you want to skip over the details and instead see sample code, visit pfx-pfrc!

Writing Plugins

You may write pf plugins in ~/.pfrc/index.js. Writing your own extensions is straightforward:

const sampleLexer = {
  name: 'sample',
  desc: 'is a sample lexer.',
  func: ({verbose}) => (data, prevLines) => (
    // * Turn data into an array of tokens
    // * Count lines for better error reporting throughout pf
    // * Collect error reports: {msg: String, line: Number, info: String}
    //   If verbose > 0, include line in error reports
    //   If verbose > 1, include info in error reports
    // * Return errors, tokens, lines, the last line, and all unlexed data
    {err: [], tokens: [], lines: [], lastLine: 0, rest: ''}

const sampleParser = {
  name: 'sample',
  desc: 'is a sample parser.',
  func: ({verbose}) => (tokens, lines) => (
    // * Parse tokens to jsons
    // * Collect error reports: {msg: String, line: Number, info: Token}
    //   If verbose > 0, include line in error reports
    //   If verbose > 1, include info in error reports
    // * Return errors and parsed jsons
    {err: [], jsons: []}

const sampleApplicator = {
  name: 'sample',
  desc: 'is a sample applicator.',
  func: (functions, {verbose}) => (jsons, lines) => (
    // * Turn jsons into other jsons by applying all functions
    // * Collect error reports: {msg: String, line: Number, info: Json}
    //   If verbose > 0, include line in error reports
    //   If verbose > 1, include info in error reports
    // * Return errors and marshalled string
    {err: [], jsons: []}

const sampleMarshaller = {
  name: 'sample',
  desc: 'is a sample marshaller.',
  func: ({verbose}) => jsons => (
    // * Turn jsons into a string
    // * Collect error reports: {msg: String, line: Number, info: Json}
    //   If verbose > 0, include line in error reports
    //   If verbose > 1, include info in error reports
    // * Return errors and marshalled string
    {err: [], str: ''}

The name is used by pf to select your extension, the desc is displayed in the options section of pf --help, and the func is called by pf to transform data.

The sample extensions are bundled to the sample plugin, as follows:

const sample = {
  lexers:      [sampleLexer],
  parsers:     [sampleParser],
  applicators: [sampleApplicator],
  marshallers: [sampleMarshaller]

Extending pf with Plugins

Plugins can come from two sources: They are either written by users, as shown in the previous section, or they are installed in ~/.pfrc/ as follows:

$ npm install @pfx/sample

If a plugin was installed from npm, it has to be imported into ~/.pfrc/index.js:

const sample = require('@pfx/sample')

Regardless of whether a plugin was defined by a user or installed from npm, all plugins are added to the .pfrc module the same way:

module.exports = {
  plugins:  [sample],
  context:  {},
  defaults: {}

pf --help should now list the sample plugin extensions in the options section.

🙊 Adding plugins may break the pf command line tool! If this happens, just remove the plugin from the list and pf should work normal again. Use this feature responsibly.

Including Libraries like Ramda or Lodash

Libraries like Ramda and Lodash are of immense help when writing functions to transform JSON objects and many heated discussions have been had, which of these libraries is superior. Since different people have different preferences, pf lets the user decide which library to use.

First, install your preferred libraries in ~/.pfrc/:

$ npm install ramda
$ npm install lodash

Next, add the libraries to ~/.pfrc/index.js:

const R = require('ramda')
const L = require('lodash')

module.exports = {
  plugins:  [],
  context:  Object.assign({}, R, {_: L}),
  defaults: {}

You may now use all Ramda functions without prefix, and all Lodash functions with prefix _:

$ pf "prop('time')" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl
$ pf "json => _.get(json, 'time')" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl

🙉 Using Ramda and Lodash may have a negative impact on performance! Use this feature responsibly.

Including Custom JavaScript Functions

Just as you may extend pf with third-party libraries like Ramda and Lodash, you may add your own functions to pf.

This is as simple as adding them to the context in ~/.pfrc/index.js:

const getTime = json => json.time

module.exports = {
  plugins:  [],
  context:  {getTime},
  defaults: {}

After adding it to the context, you call your function as follows:

$ pf "json => getTime(json)" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl
$ pf "getTime" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl

Changing pf Defaults

You may globally change default lexers, parsers, applicators, and marshallers in ~/.pfrc/index.js, as follows:

module.exports = {
  plugins:  [],
  context:  {},
  defaults: {
    lexer:      'sample',
    parser:     'sample',
    applicator: 'sample',
    marshaller: 'sample',
    noPlugins:  false

🙈 Defaults are assigned globally and changing them may break existing pf scripts! Use this feature responsibly.


Selecting all Unix timestamps from a file containing all seconds of 2019 (602 MB, 31536000 lines) in JSON format (e.g. {"time":1546300800}) takes ~18 seconds (macOS 10.15, 2.8 GHz i7 processor):

$ pf "json => json.time" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl


Transforming Unix timestamps to an ISO string from the same file (602MB) takes ~42 seconds:

$ pf "json => (json.iso = new Date(json.time * 1000).toISOString(), json)" < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl


Selecting all entries from May the 4th from the same file (602MB) takes 14 seconds:

$ pf "({time}) => time >= 1556928000 && time <= 1557014399" -a filter < 2019.jsonl > out.jsonl


Example: Way to go Anakin!

Select the name, height, and mass of the first ten Star Wars characters:

$ curl -s "https://swapi.co/api/people/" |
  pf "json => json.results" -l jsonObj -a flatMap -K '["name","height","mass"]'

{"name":"Luke Skywalker","height":"172","mass":"77"}
{"name":"Darth Vader","height":"202","mass":"136"}
{"name":"Leia Organa","height":"150","mass":"49"}
{"name":"Owen Lars","height":"178","mass":"120"}
{"name":"Beru Whitesun lars","height":"165","mass":"75"}
{"name":"Biggs Darklighter","height":"183","mass":"84"}
{"name":"Obi-Wan Kenobi","height":"182","mass":"77"}

Compute all character's BMI:

$ curl -s "https://swapi.co/api/people/" |
  pf "json => json.results" -l jsonObj -a flatMap -K '["name","height","mass"]' |
  pf "ch => (ch.bmi = ch.mass / (ch.height / 100) ** 2, ch)" -K '["name","bmi"]'

{"name":"Luke Skywalker","bmi":26.027582477014604}
{"name":"Darth Vader","bmi":33.33006567983531}
{"name":"Leia Organa","bmi":21.77777777777778}
{"name":"Owen Lars","bmi":37.87400580734756}
{"name":"Beru Whitesun lars","bmi":27.548209366391188}
{"name":"Biggs Darklighter","bmi":25.082863029651524}
{"name":"Obi-Wan Kenobi","bmi":23.24598478444632}

Select only obese Star Wars characters:

$ curl -s "https://swapi.co/api/people/" |
  pf "json => json.results" -l jsonObj -a flatMap -K '["name","height","mass"]' |
  pf "ch => (ch.bmi = ch.mass / (ch.height / 100) ** 2, ch)" -K '["name","bmi"]' |
  pf "ch => ch.bmi >= 30" -a filter -K '["name"]'

{"name":"Darth Vader"}
{"name":"Owen Lars"}

Turns out, Anakin could use some training!

id Plugin

pf includes the id plugin that comes with the following extensions:

id lexer Returns each chunk as a token.
id parser Returns all tokens unchanged.
id applicator Does not apply any functions and returns the JSON objects unchanged.
id marshaller Applies Object.prototype.toString to the input and joins without newlines.

Comparison to Related Tools

pf jq fx pandoc
Self-description Fast and extensible command-line data processor Command-line JSON processor Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer Universal markup converter
Focus Transforming data with user provided functions Transforming JSON with user provided functions Transforming JSON with user provided functions Converting one markup format into another
License MIT MIT MIT GPL-2.0-only
Performance (performance is given relative to pf) jq is >2x slower than pf fx is >10x slower than pf ???
Extensibility Third party plugins, any JavaScript library, custom functions ??? Any JavaScript library, custom functions ???
Processing DSL Vanilla JavaScript and all JavaScript libraries jq language Vanilla JavaScript and all JavaScript libraries Any programming language

Reporting Issues

Please report issues in the tracker!


pf is MIT licensed.

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npm i @pfx/pf

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