
1.0.3 • Public • Published

DHL Design Components

Design Component Library for digital DHL products build with Fractal.

Development Process

Setting up your development environment

You'll need a recent version of nodejs to work on DHL Design Components. We use the LTS node version. You can use nvm to easily install and manage different versions of node on your system.

node -v
# or
nvm current

Code editor recommendations

We recommend to use VS Code as editor, with the following plugins:

Linting and code styling
Code formmatting

Prettier to format our code. Activate ESLint and Stylelint integration in VS Code Settings:

"prettier.eslintIntegration": true,
"prettier.stylelintIntegration": true,
Template language

Twig Language 2, because we use Twig template engine for our Fractal templates. Also activate Emmet HTML support in Twig files in VS Code Settings:

"emmet.includeLanguages": {
	"twig": "html"

Checking out repository

NOTE: If you expect to commit updated or new dependencies, please ensure you are using npm 5, which will also update package-lock.json correctly when you install or upgrade packages.

Once node is installed, clone the repo and run npm install

git clone git@github.com:strichpunkt-design/dhl-design-components.git
cd dhl-design-components
npm i

Running development server

npm run start
open http://localhost:3000

npm run start runs a Fractal development server instance with BrowserSync integration and Webpack HMR support with webpack-dev-middleware 🤓 This should aid you in initial development of a component. It's served on port 3000. If you are running another browser-sync instance already, check out higher ports like 3003.

Building Components

Each component requires the following items in order to be complete:

  • A template file which provides the component's markup using the Twig template engine. Filename: component-name.twig
  • A component class using vanilla JS and SCSS. Filename: component-name.{js,scss}
  • A README which contains developer documentation on the component, including usage. Filename: README.md
  • Optional: A component configuration which provides additional data, defines variants and determines how Fractal handles the component. There are a number of configuration options you can set. Filename: component-name.config.js

To ensure a consistent structure run npm run generate and enter the component name to create all component files. Enter the component name as follows:

  • Use Kebab Case (example-component-name)
  • Only lowercase letters [a-z] and dashes are allowed
npm run generate
? Pattern name: example-component-name

You'll find additional information about how Fractal handles components in the Fractal documentation.

Multi Brand Support

Only add styles if they are not yet defined in the base SCSS and cannot be set using a SCSS variable. Think of "extending" the base not "overriding" when you add new styles in this file.

Submitting Pull Requests

🚧 TODO: Complete Pull Request documentation

Commit message conventions

When commiting or submitting PRs, make sure you're following our commit message conventions (which are the same as angular's); our commit-msg hook should automatically enforce this.

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

🚧 TODO: Add commit message examples


Must be one of the following:

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • test: Adding missing or correcting existing tests
  • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation


The scope could be anything specifying place of the commit change. For example ComponentName, page-test, webpack, package, linting, ...

You can use * when the change affects more than a single scope.


The subject contains succinct description of the change:

  • use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
  • don't capitalize first letter
  • no dot (.) at the end

🚧 TODO: Recommend commitizen?


Polyfills and Ponyfills

Polyfill Description Included in library
IntersectionObserver Polyfill Add support for the native IntersectionObserver API. nope
ResizeObserver Polyfill Add support for the native ResizeObserver API. Used as Ponyfill. yep
Smoothscroll Polyfill Add support for scroll-behavior nope
focus-visible Add support for CSS :focus-visible yep




Package Sidebar


npm i @spdesign/dhl-design-components

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  • andrew-mark
  • christophstockinger
  • jshsj
  • mnlmaier
  • sebastianwinter
  • thomasmichelbach
  • xmo