
1.0.1 • Public • Published


Finds "pages" within a directory by examining a url. A page is a template and an optional metadata file which corresponds to a url. The template may be selected in one of three ways.

  1. The URL is exactly the name of the template. This would be a url like /products/my-cool-product.html or /products/my-cool-product.tri. This method finds the template and metadata but does NOT look for alternatives (more on that later).

  2. The URL refers to a directory. This would be something like /products. In this case the directory will be searched for the first file matching one of the index bases names this.indexNames and having a valid extension this.templateExtensions. The resulting template is likely to have a relative path like products/index.html. Metadata and alternatives will be found.

  3. The URL refers to a "page" but not a specific file (the typical case). This would be a URL like /products/my-cool-product. Here the PageLocator trys to find a matching file in the parent directory (/products in this example). This file will be any file with the base name (like my-cool-product) and an extension from this.templateExtensions. Metadata and alternatives will be found.

Alternatives are alternate version of the page for different purposes or environments. Common uses might be for a/b testing or for having the same "page" available in different languages. Which alternative is actually used is up to the calling component.


npm install @webhandle/page-locator


import FileSink from 'file-sink'
import PageLocator from '@webhandle/page-locator'

let sink = new FileSink('/path/to/page/data')
let locator = new PageLocator({

let info = await locator.locate('/')
// or
info = await locator.locate('/two.html')
// or
info = await locator.locate('/three/four')

info is a structure that looks like:

	template: 'index.tri',
	alternatives: {
		en: {
			template: 'index_en.tri',
			metadata: 'index_en.json',
			metadataExists: false
	metadata: 'index.json',
	metadataExists: true


import FileSink from 'file-sink'
import PageLocator from '@webhandle/page-locator'

let sink = new FileSink('/path/to/page/data')
let locator = new PageLocator({
	sink: sink  					// A FileSink object
	, indexNames: ['index']			// basenames of directory index files
	, templateExtensions: ['tri', 'html']	// extensions for template files




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  • dankolz