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0.0.6 • Public • Published


This library provides a set of utilities to generate and verify time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) and HMAC-based one-time passwords (HOTP), allowing easy integration of two-factor authentication (2FA) in applications. It also supports generating QR codes for easy scanning with authenticator apps like Google Authenticator or Authy.


  • Generate Secret for 2FA: Generates a secret key, a URI, and a QR code that can be used for integrating two-factor authentication with authenticator apps.
  • Generate TOTP Token: Generates a time-based one-time password (TOTP) using a secret key.
  • Verify TOTP Token: Verifies the validity of a TOTP token.
  • Generate HOTP Token: Generates a HMAC-based one-time password (HOTP) using a secret key and a counter.
  • Verify HOTP Token: Verifies the validity of a HOTP token using a secret key and a counter.


To install this library, run the following command:

npm install 2fa-node


Generate 2FA Secret

This function generates a secret key, a URI, and a QR code for 2FA integration. It returns a promise that resolves to an object containing the secret, URI, and the QR code as a data URL.

Generate TOTP Secret

import { generateSecret } from "2fa-node";

const payload = {
  name: "MyApp", // Application name
  account: "user@example.com", // User account (email or username)
  numberOfSecretBytes: 20 // OPTIONAL

const secret = await generateSecret(payload);


Generate HOTP Secret

import { generateSecret } from "2fa-node";

const options = {
  name: "MyApp", // Application name
  account: "user@example.com", // User account (email or username)
  counter: 0, // ONLY WITH HOTP

const secret = await generateSecret(option, "HOTP");


Generate TOTP Token

This function generates a time-based one-time password (TOTP) using the provided secret key.

import { generateToken } from "2fa-node";

const secret = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"; // Your pre-generated secret
const result = generateToken(secret);

console.log(result.token); // The generated TOTP token

Verify TOTP Token

This function verifies if a provided TOTP token is valid for the given secret key.

import { verifyToken } from "2fa-node";

const secret = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"; // The secret key used for verification
const token = "123456"; // The token to verify

const isValid = verifyToken(secret, token);

console.log(isValid); // true if valid, false if invalid

Generate HOTP Token

This function generates a HMAC-based one-time password (HOTP) token based on the provided secret key and counter value.

import { generateHOTPToken } from "2fa-node";

const secret = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"; // Your pre-generated secret
const counter = 1; // Optional counter (defaults to 0)

const result = generateHOTPToken(secret, counter);

console.log(result.token); // The generated HOTP token

Verify HOTP Token

This function verifies if a provided HOTP token is valid for the given secret key and counter value.

import { verifyHOTPToken } from "2fa-node";

const secret = "JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP"; // The secret key used for verification
const token = "123456"; // The token to verify
const counter = 1; // The counter associated with the token

const isValid = verifyHOTPToken(secret, token, counter);

console.log(isValid); // true if valid, false if invalid

API Documentation

generateSecret(options: Options): Promise<{ secret: string, uri: string, qr: string }>

Generates a secret key, URI, and QR code for 2FA integration.

  • Parameters:
    • options: An object with the following properties:
      • name: The name of the application or service.
      • account: The account identifier (e.g., email or username).
  • Returns: A Promise resolving to an object with:
    • secret: The generated secret key.
    • uri: The otpauth URI.
    • qr: The Data URL for the QR code.

generateToken(secret: string): { token: string } | null

Generates a TOTP token.

  • Parameters:
    • secret: The secret key used for generating the TOTP token.
  • Returns: An object containing the generated token, or null if the secret is invalid or missing.

verifyToken(secret: string, token?: string): boolean | null

Verifies the validity of a TOTP token.

  • Parameters:
    • secret: The secret key used for verification.
    • token: The TOTP token to verify.
  • Returns: true if the token is valid, false if it's invalid, or null if the token is missing.

generateHOTPToken(secret: string, counter: number = 0): { token: string } | null

Generates an HOTP token.

  • Parameters:
    • secret: The secret key used for generating the HOTP token.
    • counter: The counter value used to generate the HOTP token (defaults to 0).
  • Returns: An object containing the generated token, or null if the secret is invalid or missing.

verifyHOTPToken(secret: string, token?: string, counter: number = 0): boolean | null

Verifies the validity of an HOTP token.

  • Parameters:
    • secret: The secret key used for verification.
    • token: The HOTP token to verify.
    • counter: The counter value associated with the HOTP token.
  • Returns: true if the token is valid, false if it's invalid, or null if the token is missing.


  • otplib - A library for generating and verifying one-time passwords.
  • qrcode - A library for generating QR codes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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