SVG 3D Tag Cloud jQuery plugin
A very small and CSS-less jQuery plugin for drawing a 3D, interactive, SVG based and fully customizable sphere tag cloud from an array of html links.
More Examples
Coming soon.
Example Usage
Define entries (text tags):
var entries = label: 'Dev Blog' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Flashforum' url: '' target: '_top' label: '' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Javascript-Forum' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'JSFiddle' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'CodePen' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'three.js' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'WebGLStudio.js' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'JS Compress' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'TinyPNG' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Can I Use' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'URL shortener' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'HTML Encoder' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Twitter' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'deviantART' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Gulp' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Browsersync' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'GitHub' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Shadertoy' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Starling' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'jsPerf' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Foundation' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'CreateJS' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Velocity.js' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'TweenLite' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'jQuery' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'jQuery Rain' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'jQuery Plugins' url: '' target: '_top' ;
Define entries (text tags with tooltips):
var entries = label: 'Dev Blog' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Lorem ipsum' label: 'Flashforum' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dolor sit amet' label: '' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Consetetur sadipscing' label: 'Javascript-Forum' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Sed diam' label: 'JSFiddle' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'CodePen' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'At vero' label: 'three.js' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Nonumy eirmod' label: 'WebGLStudio.js' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Stet clita' label: 'JS Compress' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Justo duo' label: 'TinyPNG' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Ut wisi enim' label: 'Can I Use' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Minim veniam' label: 'URL shortener' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Quis nostrud' label: 'HTML Encoder' url: '' target: '_top' label: 'Twitter' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Veniam isictus' label: 'deviantART' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Autem insto' label: 'Gulp' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Officia dolor' label: 'Browsersync' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Digi tal' label: 'GitHub' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Amet et quam' label: 'Shadertoy' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Meno equox' label: 'Starling' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Duis autem' label: 'jsPerf' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Soluta nobis' label: 'Foundation' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Blandit praesent' label: 'CreateJS' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dignissim qui' label: 'Velocity.js' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Et iusto odio' label: 'TweenLite' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Facilisis at vero' label: 'jQuery' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dolore eu' label: 'jQuery Rain' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'In vulputate' label: 'jQuery Plugins' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'In vulputate' ;
Define entries (image tags):
var entries = image: './img/Basket.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Briefcase.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Brush.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Calendar.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Camera.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Cassette.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Clock.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Cloud_Download.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Cloud_Upload.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Coffee.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Comments.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Credit_Card.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Diary.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Document.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Envelope.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Eraser.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/File_Browser.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Games.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Headphones.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Heart.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Home.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/ID.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/iPod.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Key.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Location.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Location_Map.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Map.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Megaphone.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Message.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Microphone.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Mobile.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Money.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Padlock.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Pencil.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Photo.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Polaroid.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Printer.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Record.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Save.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Scissors.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Spanner.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Toolbox.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' image: './img/Umbrella.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' ;
Define entries (image tags with tooltips):
var entries = image: './img/Basket.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Lorem ipsum' image: './img/Briefcase.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dolor sit amet' image: './img/Brush.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Consetetur sadipscing' image: './img/Calendar.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Sed diam' image: './img/Camera.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'At vero' image: './img/Cassette.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Nonumy eirmod' image: './img/Clock.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Stet clita' image: './img/Cloud_Download.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Justo duo' image: './img/Cloud_Upload.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Ut wisi enim' image: './img/Coffee.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Minim veniam' image: './img/Comments.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Quis nostrud' image: './img/Credit_Card.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Exerci tation' image: './img/Diary.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Duis autem' image: './img/Document.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Vel eum iriure' image: './img/Envelope.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dolor in hendrerit' image: './img/Eraser.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'In vulputate' image: './img/File_Browser.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Velit esse' image: './img/Games.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Molestie consequat' image: './img/Headphones.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Vel illum' image: './img/Heart.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dolore eu' image: './img/Home.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Feugiat nulla' image: './img/ID.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Facilisis at vero' image: './img/iPod.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Eros et accumsa' image: './img/Key.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Et iusto odio' image: './img/Location.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Dignissim qui' image: './img/Location_Map.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Blandit praesent' image: './img/Map.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Nam liber' image: './img/Megaphone.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Soluta nobis' image: './img/Message.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Magna aliquam' image: './img/Microphone.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Duis autem' image: './img/Mobile.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Lori novis' image: './img/Money.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Meno eqiam' image: './img/Padlock.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Meno equox' image: './img/Pencil.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Iri orem' image: './img/Photo.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Orel pas' image: './img/Polaroid.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Psi sit' image: './img/Printer.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Amet et quam' image: './img/Record.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Molare cons' image: './img/Save.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Digi tal' image: './img/Scissors.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Felenope liber' image: './img/Spanner.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Officia dolor' image: './img/Toolbox.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Autem insto' image: './img/Umbrella.png' width: '50' height: '50' url: '' target: '_top' tooltip: 'Veniam isictus' ;
Define settings:
var settings = entries: entries width: 480 height: 480 radius: '65%' radiusMin: 75 bgDraw: true bgColor: '#111' opacityOver: 100 opacityOut: 005 opacitySpeed: 6 fov: 800 speed: 2 fontFamily: 'Oswald, Arial, sans-serif' fontSize: '15' fontColor: '#fff' fontWeight: 'normal'//bold fontStyle: 'normal'//italic fontStretch: 'normal'//wider, narrower, ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded fontToUpperCase: true tooltipFontFamily: 'Oswald, Arial, sans-serif' tooltipFontSize: '11' tooltipFontColor: '#fff' tooltipFontWeight: 'normal'//bold tooltipFontStyle: 'normal'//italic tooltipFontStretch: 'normal'//wider, narrower, ultra-condensed, extra-condensed, condensed, semi-condensed, semi-expanded, expanded, extra-expanded, ultra-expanded tooltipFontToUpperCase: false tooltipTextAnchor: 'left' tooltipDiffX: 0 tooltipDiffY: 10 animatingSpeed: 001 animatingRadiusLimit: 13 ;
var svg3DTagCloud = document settings ;
//Destroy the svg and remove eventssvg3DTagCloud; //Set the data and rebuild the svgsvg3DTagCloud; //Animate In (controled by animatingSpeed and animatingRadiusLimit)svg3DTagCloud; //Animate Out (controled by animatingSpeed and animatingRadiusLimit)svg3DTagCloud;
This plugin is available under the MIT license.
– Niklas