TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.42 • Public • Published

Ten Mile Square Technologies projen Projects

A collection of opinionated projen projects, adding support for ESM, additional ESLint config, etc.

Ten Mile Square Logo

Ten Mile Square (10mi2 or TMS) is an enterprise technology consulting firm based in the Washington DC area.

Table of Contents

10mi2 TypeScript App (tms-typescript-app)

A TypeScript App based on TypeScriptAppProject with the following changes:

  1. NPM is the default package manager
  2. eslint and prettier are both enabled by default
    • Configure eslint to have all auto-fixable options set to warning instead of error
    • Adjustable with the eslintFixableAsWarn property (default: true)
  3. VSCode support is enabled by default
  4. TSConfig uses @tsconfig/node18 as the base config by default
    • tconfig.json is has all settings that are redundant removed
    • Adjustable with the tsconfigBase property (default: TmsTSConfigBase.NODE18)
    • The tsconfigBaseStrictest property controls strict settings (default: true)
      • This uses @tsconfig/strictest by setting extends to an array, which currently causes ts-node to fail (issue #2000), so the tsconfigBaseNoArrayWorkaround flag (true by default) is used to work around this by embedding a snapshot of the strictest settings directly
    • The tsconfigBaseDev property controls dev tool settings (such as projen) (default: TmsTSConfigBase.NODE18)
    • ts-node issue #2094 prevents us from using Node > 18.18.x
      • Workaround added behind option tsconfigBaseNoArrayWorkaround (default: true if you're on an effected version of node)
      • ⚠️ If you're using node 18.18 or earlier and this project might be used with node 18.19 or higher in the future, add --ts-node-unknown-file-extension-workaround=true to the projen add command to enable the workaround ⚠️
    • ts-node issue #2076 prevents us from using ts-node with the app, and a workaround is in place to refer to the TSConfig bases relatively in the tsconfig.dev.json for now so projen works properly (Fixed in ts-node 10.9.2)
  5. ESM suppport is enabled by default, adjusting TS and Jest configs as necessary
    • Controlled by the esmSupportConfig property (default: true)
  6. Create a bundle task to build using esbuild
    • Controlled by the addDefaultBundle property (default: true)
    • noEmit is set to true assuming a bundle will be made and used or tsx or ts-node will be used if running directly

Make a new tms-typescript-app project

Run this command in a new directory, and not within an existing project. IOW, the current directory should be empty and there shouldn't be a package.json in any of the parent directories.

npx projen new --from @10mi2/tms-projen-projects tms-typescript-app
# Add --ts-node-unknown-file-extension-workaround=true if you're on node 18.18 or earlier and will be
#   using node 18.19 or higher in the future

Add tms-typescript-app to an existing project

Follow the instructions below for adding to an existing project.

Add the following to the top of your .projenrc.ts file:

import { TmsTypeScriptAppProject } from "@10mi2/tms-projen-projects";

Add the following to the .projenrc.ts file before the project.synth():

new TmsTypeScriptAppProject({
  parent: project,
  name: "typescript-app",
  defaultReleaseBranch: "main",
  projenrcTs: true,
  packageManager: project.package.packageManager, // <- Use the same package manager as the parent project

  devDeps: ["@10mi2/tms-projen-projects"],

  // addDefaultBundle: true,     /* Add a default bundle to the project. */
  // deps: [],                   /* Runtime dependencies of this module. */
  // description: undefined,     /* The description is just a string that helps people understand the purpose of the package. */
  // eslintFixableAsWarn: true,  /* Change the default-set eslint auto-fixable rules to "warn" instead of "error". */
  // esmSupportConfig: true,     /* Configure for ESM. */
  // packageName: undefined,     /* The "name" in package.json. */

  // Change this to whatever you want that won't conflict with parent folders such as `src`, `lib`, or `test`:
  outdir: "app",

⚠️ You can run some of the npm run ... commands from the top level of the project and it'll run that command in all subprojects. However, to run commands in just the subproject, cd to that directory (set by outdir) and run the command there.


Typical projen commands apply, such as npm run build, npm run test, and npm run upgrade.

For this project, there is no npm run start, but you can easily add one, such as the following

// `project`` refers to the `TmsTypeScriptAppProject` object - if added as a subproject you may need to give it a name and
// use that instead of `project`

// const project = new TmsTypeScriptAppProject({ ... });

project.addTask("start", {
  steps: [{ spawn: "bundle" }, { exec: "node assets/index/index.js" }],

// project.synth();

10mi2 Apollo Graphql App (tms-apollo-graphql-app)

An example NestJS app, based on TmsTSApolloGraphQLProject, with a sample app. Experimental!

Will load up a sample app (more later):

  • pothos-prisma - (default) which provides the following stak:
    • Apollo Server
    • Pothos GraphQL Code-First Schema Generator
    • Prisma Database ORM (configured for SQLite by default)
    • Complete unit-test suite using Jest
    • Uses sortable pagination according to the blog post Proper Pagination with GraphQL (link pending)
    • Uses unique IDs for every entity, always exposed as a string-encoded GraphQL ID type
      • The value is a Base64-encoded JSON object with enough info to uniquely identify the entity type and the entity itself

Note that the TSConfig strictest is used (can be disabled with tsconfigBaseStrictest: false), and the sample code is adjusted to work with it.

Also the sample code has functional (but not coverage complete) tests that pass at first.

Make a new tms-apollo-graphql-app project

Run this command in a new directory, and not within an existing project. IOW, the current directory should be empty and there shouldn't be a package.json in any of the parent directories.

# make an Apollo code-first GraphQL app
npx projen new --from @10mi2/tms-projen-projects tms-apollo-graphql-app --sample-type=pothos-prisma

Add tms-apollo-graphql-app to an existing project

Follow the instructions below for adding to an existing project.

Add the following to the top of your .projenrc.ts file:

import { TmsTSApolloGraphQLProject } from "@10mi2/tms-projen-projects";

Add the following to the .projenrc.ts file before the project.synth():

new TmsTSApolloGraphQLProject({
  parent: project,
  name: "apollo-graphql-app",
  defaultReleaseBranch: "main",
  projenrcTs: true,
  packageManager: project.package.packageManager, // <- Use the same package manager as the parent project

  sampleType: "pothos-prisma",

  // addDefaultBundle: true,     /* Add a default bundle to the project. */
  // deps: [],                   /* Runtime dependencies of this module. */
  // description: undefined,     /* The description is just a string that helps people understand the purpose of the package. */
  // eslintFixableAsWarn: true,  /* Change the default-set eslint auto-fixable rules to "warn" instead of "error". */
  // esmSupportConfig: true,     /* Configure for ESM. */
  // packageName: undefined,     /* The "name" in package.json. */

  // Change this to whatever you want that won't conflict with parent folders such as `src`, `lib`, or `test`:
  outdir: "app",


Typical projen commands apply, such as npm run build, npm run test, and npm run upgrade.

A few additional commands have been added for convenience:

Command Description
npm run bundle Build the app into the assets/index/ directory
npm run start Start the app
npm run start:dev Start the app in watch mode
npm run codegen Generate typings for embedded queries (found only in the tests), also generates schema.graphql
npm run codegen:watch Runs the same command as codegen but uses nodemon to watch for file changes (for when making the tests)
npm run prisma:generate Runs npx prisma generate to build the client code - run after editing the prisma schema

More information can be found in the README.md that's generated with the sample code.

10mi2 NestJS App (tms-nestjs-app)

An example NestJS app, based on TmsTypeScriptAppProject, with a few options of sample apps. Experimental!

Will load up one of a few sample apps:

Note that in all cases the TSConfig strictest is used (can be disabled with tsconfigBaseStrictest: false), and the sample code is adjusted to work with it.

Also the sample code has functional (but not coverage complete) tests added (or corrected), and should pass at first.

Make a new tms-nestjs-app project

Run this command in a new directory, and not within an existing project. IOW, the current directory should be empty and there shouldn't be a package.json in any of the parent directories.

# make a NestJS code-first GraphQL app
npx projen new --from @10mi2/tms-projen-projects tms-nestjs-app --sample-type=graphql-codefirst

Add tms-nestjs-app to an existing project

Follow the instructions below for adding to an existing project.

Add the following to the top of your .projenrc.ts file:

import { TmsNestJSAppProject } from "@10mi2/tms-projen-projects";

Add the following to the .projenrc.ts file before the project.synth():

new TmsNestJSAppProject({
  parent: project,
  name: "nestjs-typescript-app",
  defaultReleaseBranch: "main",
  projenrcTs: true,
  packageManager: project.package.packageManager, // <- Use the same package manager as the parent project

  // Choose ONE:
  sampleType: "graphql-codefirst",
  // sampleType: "graphql-schemafirst",

  // addDefaultBundle: true,     /* Add a default bundle to the project. */
  // deps: [],                   /* Runtime dependencies of this module. */
  // description: undefined,     /* The description is just a string that helps people understand the purpose of the package. */
  // eslintFixableAsWarn: true,  /* Change the default-set eslint auto-fixable rules to "warn" instead of "error". */
  // esmSupportConfig: true,     /* Configure for ESM. */
  // packageName: undefined,     /* The "name" in package.json. */

  // Change this to whatever you want that won't conflict with parent folders such as `src`, `lib`, or `test`:
  outdir: "app",


Typical projen commands apply, such as npm run build, npm run test, and npm run upgrade.

A few additional commands have been added for convenience:

Command Description Implementation
npm run compile Build the app into the dist/ directory nest build
npm run start Start the app nest start
npm run start:dev Start the app in watch mode nest start --watch
npm run start:debug Start the app in debug+watch mode nest start --debug --watch
npm run start:prod Execute the packaged code (in production) node dist/main
npm run generate-typings Generate typings from .gql files (graphql-schemafirst only) ts-node --project=tsconfig.dev.json ./generate-typings.ts

Note that the start commands will indicate to connecto to http://localhost:3000 (or http://[::1]:3000 if you have IPv6), but the GraphQL examples don't do much with the default route, so you need to use http://localhost:3000/graphql (or http://[::1]:3000/graphql) to get to the GraphQL editor.

Adding to an existing project

These instructions are for adding one of the above project types to an existing project.

Assuming you already have a .projenrc.ts file and it defines a project to use as a parent such as MonorepoTsProject from @aws/pdk, you can add this project to it as a child.

First, temporarily add @10mi2/tms-projen-projects to your devDeps:

const project = new monorepo.MonorepoTsProject({ // Or whatever is already there
  devDeps: [
   "@aws/pdk", // <- Whatever is already there
   "@10mi2/tms-projen-projects", // <- Add this
  /* ... */

Next run:

npx projen

Then add the project as a child with the code described above for each project type.

⚠️ If the parent project isn't called project, you'll need to adjust the code above to use the correct variable name.

Then run npx projen again to update your project.

⚠️ There will only be one .projenrc.ts file in the repo, and any time you run npx projen it will update all of the defined projects and subprojects. Always run npx projen from the top level of the repo, where the .projenrc.ts file is.




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  • jaygelmantms
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