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1.0.4 • Public • Published

Path-Matcher @acta/path-matcher

To compile a regex matcher from a path template and test paths against a regex matcher. This is meant to be used as an utilit for a router.

Table of Contents

Basic use case

Test a path against a template with testPath( path, template ). If the path matches with the template, an object with the name, the pathname and the segment values is returned. Otherwise, the test returns false.

import pathMatcher from '@acta/path-matcher';

// Strict template
pathMatcher.testPath('/foo/bar', '/foo/bar');
    name: '/foo/bar', <= the template is unnamed
    pathname: '/foo/bar',
    segments: {},
    template: '/foo/bar',

// Template with variable segment
pathMatcher.testPath('/foo/bar', '/foo/{baz}')
    name: '/foo/{baz}',
    pathname: '/foo/bar',
    segments: { baz: 'bar' }, <= the value for the segment 'baz'
    template: '/foo/{baz}',

// Template with optional segment
pathMatcher.testPath('/foo', '/foo/{bar?}')
    name: '/foo/{bar?}',
    pathname: '/foo',
    segments: { bar: null }, <= note the optional segment at null
    template: '/foo/{bar?}',

// No match
pathMatcher.testPath('/foo/bar', '/bar/foo'); // false

Store compiled templates

You can store templates in the pathMatcher object. They will be compiled for later use.

import pathMatcher from '@acta/path-matcher';

// As a simple string

// As a template with meta data
  name: 'foobar',
  paramsChecks: {
    bar: /[0-9]?/
  template: '/foo/{bar?}'

The compiled template will be accessible in pathMatcher.compiledTemplates.

Test against a compiled template

When a template has been stored, you can test a path against it.

import pathMatcher from '@acta/path-matcher';

pathMatcher.testPathAgainstCompiledTemplate('foobar', 'foo/123');
    name: 'foobar', <= now the template is named
    pathname: 'foo/baz',
    segments: {
      bar: '123'
    template: '/foo/{bar?}',

This is more of an internal method used to find a template, but you can use it to build a router.

Check if a path matches a stored template

import pathMatcher from '@acta/path-matcher';

// Add a simple template

// Add the template with meta data
  name: 'foobar',
  paramsChecks: {
    bar: /[0-9]?/
  template: '/foo/{bar?}'

// Find the path
    name: 'foobar',
    pathname: 'foo/baz',
    segments: {
      bar: '123'
    template: '/foo/{bar?}',

// Find an unknown path

Dev scripts

Scripts :

  • npm run dev to dev (build, test and watch)
  • npm run build to build the production version
  • npm run release to release a new version. Relies on release-it for deployments.

To develop in local using the package from another application or package, go for a symlink: npm link /the/absolute/path/url.

To publish: npm publish --access=public.

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