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0.3.6 • Public • Published

Metadraft - Core Validator

This tool streamlines metadata management for Cardano assets, saving time, reducing entry barriers, scaling projects, driving growth, and strengthening community standards.

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  • Provides guidance and support for inputting consistent and high-quality metadata for Cardano assets.
  • Ensures compliance with metadata standards and appropriate use of key terms.
  • Saves users time and energy, allowing focus on more critical tasks.
  • Reduces barriers to entry for newcomers in the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Helps scale existing projects, accelerating adoption and driving growth.
  • Strengthens community standards, fostering a more sustainable ecosystem.

Installation and Usage

  1. Install deno: https://deno.com
  2. Run tests: deno test -A __tests__/**/*.ts
  3. Register new rule New Rule

Compatible with:

Supported Platforms & Usage:

  • Next.js and Node 20: Server-side only, installed via npm.js
  • Deno: Direct usage

Releases and Github Actions

git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "Version X.Y.Z"
git push origin tags/X.Y.Z


  1. Fork the project
  2. Create a Feature Branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push your changes
  5. Create a PR
Working with your local branch

Branch Checkout:

git checkout -b <feature|fix|release|chore|hotfix>/prefix-name

Your branch name must starts with [feature|fix|release|chore|hotfix] and use a / before the name; Use hyphens as separator; The prefix correspond to your Kanban tool id (e.g. abc-123)

Keep your branch synced:

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master

Commit your changes:

git add .
git commit -m "<feat|ci|test|docs|build|chore|style|refactor|perf|BREAKING CHANGE>: commit message"

Follow this convention commitlint for your commit message structure

Push your changes:

git push origin <feature|fix|release|chore|hotfix>/prefix-name


git checkout -b release/v1.15.5
git checkout -b feature/abc-123-something-awesome
git checkout -b hotfix/abc-432-something-bad-to-fix
git commit -m "docs: added awesome documentation"
git commit -m "feat: added new feature"
git commit -m "test: added tests"

Local Development

Run the tests

deno test -A __tests__/**/*.ts

Package and use locally with nodejs

deno run -A scripts/build_npm.ts 0.0.1 && pushd npm && npm pack && popd


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.





Package Sidebar


npm i @ada-anvil/metadraft-validator

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476 kB

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  • dodilanne
  • tqueri
  • pabz-anvil
  • mrabdibdi-anvil