This module provides helper functions for the Fibonacci sequence.
Get the nth Number
const {getNumber} = require('@affrae/fib-tools')
assert.strictEqual(getNumber(8), 21)
Get a List of Numbers
const {getList} = require('@affrae/fib-tools')
assert.strictDeepEqual(getList(8), [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21])
Get a Sequence of Numbers
const {getSequence} = require('@affrae/fib-tools')
const seq = getSequence()
for (const n of seq) {
console.log(n) // The next Fibonacci number in the sequence
This is openly and heavily borrowed from Jonathan Clem's fib-tools project
, and he is listed as copyright owner in the MIT License. I used this to teach myself LGTM and QL GitHub Advanced Security, along with GitHub Actions
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License