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4.5.1-1 • Public • Published

Afya Digital: Prescription Engine

Library for consuming Afya Digital Prescription Engine - Frontend integration

Previous version status:

Version Status
1.x deprecated
2.x deprecated
3.x deprecated


# npm
npm install @afyadigital/rx-engine --save

# yarn
yarn add @afyadigital/rx-engine

pnpm add @afyadigital/rx-engine



Renders the RX Engine App, given a configuration object

EngineConfiguration Object

Property Type Default Description
target string - Selector of target element to render the app
auth Object { token } - Authentication info object
auth.token string - Physician token(*)
initialValue Object { appointment, patient } - Info used on app initialization
initialValue.appointment Object { id } - Appointment info object
initialValue.appointment.id string - Appointment id on host application
initialValue.patient Object { id, name, address } - Patient info object (optional)
initialValue.patient.id string - Patient id on host application
initialValue.patient.name string - Patient name on host application
initialValue.patient.civilName string - Patient civil name on host application
initialValue.patient.address string - Patient address on host application (optional)
initialValue.patient.phone string - Patient phone on host application (optional), eleven digits of length
initialValue.patient.email string - Patient email on host application (optional)
initialValue.patient.cpf string - Patient cpf on host application (optional)
initialValue.patient.height string - Patient height on host application (optional), in centimeters (cm)
initialValue.patient.weight string - Patient weight on host application (optional), in kilos (kg)
initialValue.patient.motherName string - Patient mother name on host application (optional)

* Get the physician authentication token through our api


/** Create a configuration to render the Prescription Engine */

// AppEnvOptions = 'production' | 'development'

const appEnv = "development";

const config: EngineConfig = {
  // target element selector. example: <div id="rx-engine"></div>
  target: `#rx-engine`,
  // physician authentication token
  auth: { token: 'jwt-token' },
  initialValue: {
    appointment: {
      id: '123'
    // patient identification and name to create a prescription with
    patient: {
      id: '123',
      name: 'Jhon Doe',
      civilName: 'Jhonnie',
      address: 'Foo Bar',
      phone: '45999999999',
      email: 'patient@email.com',
      cpf: '682.733.635-20',
      height: "179",
      weight: "90",
      motherName: 'Jhoana Doe'

/** Render it on your target element */

render(config, env)


Clean previous mounted app and listeners



API so you can register to events from prescription app. Make sure to render the app before subscribing to events.

name description payload
'app:init' on app initialization null
'app:revokedToken' when physician token is expired/invalid null
'prescription:saved' when user saves the prescription SavedPrescriptionEventPayload
'prescription:itemAdded' when user adds another item to prescription PrescriptionItemEventPayload
'printConfig:saved' when user saves the print config SavedPrintConfigEventPayload
type FreeTextItem = {
  title: string;
  patientInstruction: string;
  quantity: number;
  unit: string;

type MedicationItem = FreeTextItem & {
  id: string;

type PrescriptionItemEventPayload = {
  type: 'product' | 'substance' | 'freeText';
  origin: 'user' | 'integration';
  data: FreeTextItem | MedicationItem;


import { events } from '@afyadigital/rx-engine'

const doSomething = (prescriptionItem) => { ... }

// register a callback function to an event
events.listen('prescription:itemAdded', doSomething)

// remove an event listener
events.remove('prescription:itemAdded', doSomething)

// remove all listeners
type Patient = {
  name: string;
  externalId: string;
  address?: string;
  phone?: string;
  email?: string;
  cpf?: string;
  height?: string;
  weight?: string;
  motherName?: string;

type UserInput = {
  patientInstruction: string;
  quantity?: number;
  unit?: string;
  printType: PrintTypeEnum; // simple | special | antimicrobial

type FreeText = {
  type: 'freeText';
  title: string;
} & UserInput;

type Product = {
  type: 'product';
  id: string;
  title: string;
  subtitle: string;
  description: string;
  laboratoryName: string;
  category: string;
  maxPrice: string;
  available: boolean;
} & UserInput;

type Substance = {
  type: 'substance';
  id: string;
  title: string;
} & UserInput;

type PrescriptionItem = FreeText | Product | Substance;

export type Exam = {
  id: string;
  code: string;
  term: string;

export type PrescritableExam = {
  quantity: number;
  exam: Exam;

export type ExamPage = {
  items: PrescritableExam[];
  clinicalIndication?: string;

export type VaccineBase = {
  title: string;
  patientInstruction: string;
  quantity: number;

export type VaccineProduct = {
  id: string;
  type: 'product';
} & VaccineBase;

export type VaccineFreeText = {
  type: 'freeText';
} & VaccineBase;

export type Vaccine = VaccineProduct | VaccineFreeText;

export type VaccinePage = {
  items: Vaccine[];

export type Lme = {
  patient: {
    fullName: string;
    height: string;
    isCapable: boolean;
    mothersName: string;
    weight: string;
    responsibleName?: string;
    filledBy: {
        | 'patient'
        | 'patientMother'
        | 'responsible'
        | 'physician'
        | 'other';
      name?: string;
      cpf?: string;
    skinColor: 'branca' | 'preta' | 'parda' | 'amarela' | 'indigena';
    ethnicity?: string;
    document: {
      type: 'cpf' | 'cns';
      value: string;
    email: string;
    phone: string;
  org: {
    cnes: string;
    name: string;
  physician: {
    name: string;
    cns: string;
  treatments: LmeTreatment[];

export type LmeTreatment = {
  id: string;
  cid10: string;
  diagnostic: string;
  solicitationDate: string;
  anamnese: string;
  exams: {
    id: string;
    term: string;
    code: string;
    type: string;
    quantity: number;
  medications: {
    months: string[];
    name: string;
    id: string;
    type: string;

  onTreatment: boolean;
  treatmentReport?: string;

  pdfUrl: string; // LME prescription pdf
  examUrl?: string; // prescription pdf for all exams
  protocols?: string[]; // terms prescriptions
  prescriptions?: {
    // LME medications prescriptions
    simple: LmeMedicationPrescription;
    special: LmeMedicationPrescription[];
    antimicrobial: LmeMedicationPrescription[];

export type LmeMedicationPrescription = {
  id: string;
  pdfUrl: string;
  prescriptionDate: string;
  quantity: number;
  medications: string[];

export type SavedPrescriptionEventPayload = {
  id: string;
  patient: Patient;
  issuedAt?: string;
  items: PrescriptionItem[];
  exams: ExamPage[];
  vaccines: VaccinePage[];
  pdfUrl?: string;
  lme?: Lme;


After engine app was initialized (check 'app:init' event above), you can dispatch events on the engine.

addPrescriptionItem(item: PrescriptionItem) : adds item into prescription.

type ItemFreeText = {
  title: string;
  type: 'freeText';
  patientInstruction: string;
  quantity: number;
  unit: string;

type ItemMedication = {
  id: string;
  type: 'product' | 'substance';
  patientInstruction: string;
  quantity: number;
  unit: string;

export type PrescriptionItem = ItemFreeText | ItemMedication;

Usage example:

import { commands, events } from '@afyadigital/rx-engine';

const onInit = async () => {
  await commands.addPrescriptionItem({
    title: 'Paracetamol',
    type: 'freeText',
    patientInstruction: 'tomar 2x ao dia com intervalo de 4 horas',
    quantity: 2,
    unit: 'comprimidos',

events.listen('app:init', onInit);

updateToken(token: string) : Updates the physician token

Usage example:

import { commands, events } from '@afyadigital/rx-engine';

events.listen('revokedToken', async () => {
  const token = await getPhysicianToken(); // check physician login below*

  await commands.updateToken(token);

*physician login

trackUserActivity(click: TrackUserActivityEvent): Trigger event from user source

enum TrackActivityClickEnum {
  MenuPep = 'menuPep',

type TrackUserActivityEvent = {
  click: TrackActivityClickEnum;

Usage example:

import { commands } from '@afyadigital/rx-engine'

const handleClick = () => {
  commands.trackUserActivity({ click: TrackActivityClickEnum.MenuPep })

return (
    <Button onClick={handleClick}>Prescrição</Button>

React dummy example

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { render, unmount } from '@afyadigital/rx-engine'
import type { EngineConfig } from '@afyadigital/rx-engine'

const TARGET_ID = 'rx-engine-container'

function AfyaPrescription() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const config: EngineConfig = {
      target: `#${TARGET_ID}`,
      auth: { token: 'physician-auth-token' },
      initialValue: {
        patient: {
          id: '123',
          name: 'Jhon Doe',
          civilName: 'Jonnie',
          address: 'Foo Bar',
          phone: '45999999999',
          email: 'patient@email.com',
          cpf: '682.733.635-20',
          height: '179',
          weight: '90',
          motherName: 'Jhoana Doe',


    return () => unmount()
  }, [])

  return <div id={TARGET_ID} />


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