
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Cloudflare R2 storage plugin for Medusa. This plugin also supports CSV exports and imports. R2 is S3-compatible object storage service by Cloudflare and has a 10GB/month forever-free tier.

This plugin is written in Typescript and uses ESBuild to create the bundle and files needed to be included in the medusa.config.js file.

Getting Started

  1. Create a Cloudflare account: If you don't have one, you can create one here.

  2. Create a R2 bucket: Follow this guide to create a R2 bucket.

  3. Make the bucket public: Follow this guide to make the bucket public. While managed public access for your buckets through r2.dev cloudflare subdomain is relatively easy, it's preferred to use a custom domain as the managed r2.dev subdomain is rate-limited, custom domain also makes use of Cloudflare Cache to accelerate access to your R2 bucket.

  4. Obtain required credentials: You will need the following credentials to configure the plugin:

    • account_id: Login to your Cloudflare account and go to the R2 section. The account_id is the Account ID in the top right corner.
    • access_key and secret_key - Follow this guide to generate Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for your R2 bucket.
    • bucket: The name of the R2 bucket you created.
    • public_url: The public URL of the R2 bucket you created.
  5. Install medusa-file-r2 plugin: Run the following command in your terminal:

    yarn add medusa-file-r2
  6. Add the plugin to medusa.config.js: Add the following code to your medusa.config.js file:

    const plugins = [
      // other plugin configurations
        resolve: "medusa-file-r2",
        options: {
          bucket: "YOUR_R2_BUCKET_NAME",
          endpoint: "https://YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID.r2.cloudflarestorage.com",
          access_key: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
          secret_key: "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
          public_url: "YOUR_R2_BUCKET_PUBLIC_URL",
          // Optional options
          // cache_control: "max-age=31536000",
          // presigned_url_expires: 60 * 60, // 1 hour

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