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Generate and verify JWTs with ease in TypeScript

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import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

// Generate a JWT token
const jwtToken = jwt.generateSync({ foo: 'bar' }, { secretKey: 'secret' });

// Verify a JWT token
try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(jwtToken, { secretKey: 'secret' });
  console.log(decodedPayload); // { foo: 'bar', iat: <timestamp> }
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Table of Contents


S-JWT, S for Simple, Secure, and Salah (my name), is a TypeScript library that implements the JSON Web Token (JWT), JSON Web Signature (JWS), and JSON Web Algorithms (JWA) standards defined in RFC 7519, RFC 7515, and RFC 7518 respectively. It provides a simple and easy-to-use API for generating and verifying JWTs, with support for various algorithms and options.


  • Simple: The API is simple and easy to use.
  • Secure: The library is written in TypeScript and uses the latest ES standards. It is also fully tested and linted.
  • Flexible: The library supports various algorithms (symmetric & asymmetric) and options.
  • Highly Configurable: The library is highly configurable and allows you to customize the generated JWTs and the verification process.
  • Dual Package Support: The library supports both CommonJS and ES Modules.
  • Well Documented: The library is well documented and has a detailed API reference and usage examples.


Install with npm:

npm install @ahmeducf/s-jwt

Install with yarn:

yarn add @ahmeducf/s-jwt

Usage Examples

This section contains some examples of how to use the library API.

Generate a JWT

Synchronous generation with default (HMAC SHA256) algorithm

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const jwtToken = jwt.generateSync({ foo: 'bar' }, { secretKey: 'secret' });

Synchronous generation with HMAC SHA512 algorithm

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const jwtToken = jwt.generateSync(
    { foo: 'bar' },
    { secretKey: 'secret', algorithm: 'HS512' },
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Generate a token with asymmetric key algorithm (RSA SHA256 in this example)

import fs from 'fs';
import jwt, { GenerateOptions } from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const rsaPrivateKey: Buffer = fs.readFileSync('rsa.private.key');

const options: GenerateOptions = {
  privateKey: rsaPrivateKey,
  algorithm: 'RS256',

try {
  const jwtToken = jwt.generateSync({ foo: 'bar' }, options);
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Asynchronous generation

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const jwtToken = jwt
  .generate({ foo: 'bar' }, { secretKey: 'secret' })
  .then((jwtToken) => {
    // Handle success
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle error

(Async/Await) Asynchronous generation

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

async function generateAsync(payload: Payload, options: GenerateOptions): void {
  try {
    const jwtToken = await jwt.generate(payload, options);
    // Handle success
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle error

generateAsync({ foo: 'bar' }, { secretKey: 'secret' });

Generate a token with backdated iat claim

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const jwtToken = jwt.generateSync(
    { foo: 'bar', iat: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - 30 },
    { secretKey: 'secret' },
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Generate a token with 1 hour expiration time

import jwt, { Payload } from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const payload: Payload = {
  foo: 'bar',
  exp: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) + 3600,

try {
  const jwtToken: string = jwt.generateSync(payload, { secretKey: 'secret' });
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Generate a token with 1 hour expiration time (using expiresIn)

import jwt, { GenerateOptions} from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const options: GenerateOptions = {
  secretKey: 'secret'
  expiresIn: '1h',

try {
  const jwtToken: string = jwt.generateSync({ foo: 'bar' }, options);
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Generate a token with 2 weeks expiration time

import jwt, { GenerateOptions } from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const options: GenerateOptions = {
  secretKey: 'secret',
  expiresIn: '2 weeks', // equivalent to 1209600, '14 days', '336h', '20160m', '1209600s', '2016000000'

try {
  const jwtToken: string = jwt.generateSync({ foo: 'bar' }, options);
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Verify a JWT

Synchronous verification with default (HMAC SHA256) algorithm

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(jwtToken, { secretKey: 'secret' });
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Verify a token with asymmetric key algorithm (RSA SHA256 in this example)

import fs from 'fs';
import jwt, { VerifyOptions } from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const rsaPublicKey: Buffer = fs.readFileSync('rsa.public.key');

const options: VerifyOptions = {
  publicKey: rsaPublicKey,
  algorithms: ['RS256'],

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(jwtToken, options);
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Asynchronous verification

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

const decodedPayload = jwt
  .verify(token, { secretKey: 'secret' })
  .then((decodedPayload) => {
    // Handle success
  .catch((error) => {
    // Handle error

(Async/Await) Asynchronous verification

import jwt, { VerifyOptions } from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

async function verifyAsync(token: string, options: VerifyOptions): void {
  try {
    const decodedPayload = await jwt.verify(token, options);
    // Handle success
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle error

verifyAsync({ foo: 'bar' }, { secretKey: 'secret' });

Ignore expiration time verification

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';
try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(token, {
    secretKey: 'secret',
    ignoreExpiration: true,
} catch (error) {
  // Handle error

Verify algorithm

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifyAsync(token, {
    secretKey: 'secret',
    algorithms: ['HS256'],
} catch (error) {
  // If the algorithm in the token header is not HS256, error === SjwtVerificationError

Verify audience

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(token, {
    secretKey: 'secret',
    audience: 'foo',
} catch (error) {
  // If the audience in the token payload is not foo, error === SjwtVerificationError

Verify issuer

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(token, {
    secretKey: 'secret',
    issuer: ['foo', 'bar'],
} catch (error) {
  // If the issuer in the token payload is not foo or bar, error === SjwtVerificationError

Verify JWT ID

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(token, {
    secretKey: 'secret',
    jwtId: 'foo',
} catch (error) {
  // If the JWT ID in the token payload is not foo, error === SjwtVerificationError

Verify subject

import jwt from '@ahmeducf/s-jwt';

try {
  const decodedPayload = jwt.verifySync(token, {
    secretKey: 'secret',
    subject: 'foo',
} catch (error) {
  // If the subject in the token payload is not foo, error === SjwtVerificationError

API Reference

The library has a simple and easy-to-use API. It provides two functions for generating and verifying JWTs, accompanied by a set of types and interfaces.


The library provides the following types and interfaces:


The Algorithm type is an alias for the supported algorithms.

type Algorithm =
  | 'HS256'
  | 'HS384'
  | 'HS512'
  | 'RS256'
  | 'RS384'
  | 'RS512'
  | 'ES256'
  | 'ES384'
  | 'ES512'
  | 'PS256'
  | 'PS384'
  | 'PS512';


The HmacAlgorithm type is an alias for the supported HMAC algorithms.

type HmacAlgorithm = 'HS256' | 'HS384' | 'HS512';


The RsaAlgorithm type is an alias for the supported RSA algorithms.

type RsaAlgorithm = 'RS256' | 'RS384' | 'RS512';


The PssAlgorithm type is an alias for the supported PSS algorithms.

type PssAlgorithm = 'PS256' | 'PS384' | 'PS512';


The EcdsaAlgorithm type is an alias for the supported ECDSA algorithms.

type EcdsaAlgorithm = 'ES256' | 'ES384' | 'ES512';


The AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm type is an alias for the supported asymmetric key algorithms.

type AsymmetricKeyAlgorithm = RsaAlgorithm | PssAlgorithm | EcdsaAlgorithm;


The SecondsNumber type is an alias for a number representing a timespan in seconds.

type SecondsNumber = number;


The Payload type is an interface representing the payload of a JWT.

interface Payload {
  iss?: string; // Issuer
  sub?: string; // Subject
  aud?: string | string[]; // Audience
  exp?: SecondsNumber; // Expiration Time
  iat?: SecondsNumber; // Issued At
  jti?: string; // JWT ID
  [key: string]: unknown; // Any additional properties


The standard for JWT defines exp and iat as NumericDate:

A JSON numeric value representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC until the specified UTC date/time, ignoring leap seconds. This is equivalent to the IEEE Std 1003.1, 2013 Edition [POSIX.1] definition "Seconds Since the Epoch", in which each day is accounted for by exactly 86400 seconds, other than that non-integer values can be represented. See RFC 3339 [RFC3339] for details regarding date/times in general and UTC in particular.


The BaseGenerateOptions type is an interface representing the base options for generating a JWT.

interface BaseGenerateOptions {
  algorithm?: Algorithm; // Algorithm
  expiresIn?: string | SecondsNumber; // Expiration Time
  audience?: string | string[]; // Audience
  issuer?: string; // Issuer
  jwtId?: string; // JWT ID
  subject?: string; // Subject
  noTimestamp?: boolean; // Do not include the `iat` claim


expiresIn is expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span vercel/ms.

Eg: 1000, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").


If any of the claims expiresIn, audience, issuer, subject, or jwtId are specified in both GenerateOptions and Payload, the value in GenerateOptions will be used.


The GenerateOptionsWithSecretKey type is an interface representing the options for generating a JWT with a secret key.

interface GenerateOptionsWithSecretKey extends BaseGenerateOptions {
  secretKey?: string | Buffer | crypto.KeyObject; // Secret Key for HMAC algorithms


The GenerateOptionsWithPrivateKey type is an interface representing the options for generating a JWT with a private key.

interface GenerateOptionsWithPrivateKey extends BaseGenerateOptions {
  privateKey?: string | Buffer | crypto.KeyObject; // Private Key for asymmetric key algorithms


The GenerateOptions type is an interface representing the options for generating a JWT.

type GenerateOptions =
  | GenerateOptionsWithSecretKey
  | GenerateOptionsWithPrivateKey;


Generated JWTs will include an iat (issued at) claim by default unless GenerateOptions.noTimestamp is specified. If iat is inserted in the payload, it will be used instead of the real timestamp for calculating other things like exp given a timespan in GenerateOptions.expiresIn. If both GenerateOptions.noTimestamp and Payload.iat are specified, an SjwtTypeError will be thrown.


The BaseVerifyOptions type is an interface representing the base options for verifying a JWT.

interface BaseVerifyOptions {
  algorithms?: Algorithm[]; // Algorithms to accept in `alg` claim
  audience?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>; // Audience(s) to accept in `aud` claim
  issuer?: string | string[]; // Issuer(s) to accept in `iss` claim
  jwtId?: string; // JWT ID to accept in `jti` claim
  subject?: string; // Subject to accept in `sub` claim
  ignoreExpiration?: boolean; // If true, do not validate the `exp` claim
  maxAge?: string | SecondsNumber; // The maximum allowed age for tokens to still be valid.
  clockTimestamp?: SecondsNumber; // The time in seconds that should be used as the current time for all necessary comparisons.
  clockTolerance?: SecondsNumber; // Number of seconds to tolerate when checking the `exp` claim, to deal with small clock differences among different servers.


maxAge is expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span vercel/ms.

Eg: 1000, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").


The VerifyOptionsWithSecretKey type is an interface representing the options for verifying a JWT with a secret key.

interface VerifyOptionsWithSecretKey extends BaseVerifyOptions {
  secretKey?: string | Buffer | crypto.KeyObject; // Secret Key for HMAC algorithms


The VerifyOptionsWithPublicKey type is an interface representing the options for verifying a JWT with a public key.

interface VerifyOptionsWithPublicKey extends BaseVerifyOptions {
  publicKey?: string | Buffer | crypto.KeyObject; // Public Key for asymmetric key algorithms


The VerifyOptions type is an interface representing the options for verifying a JWT.

type VerifyOptions = VerifyOptionsWithSecretKey | VerifyOptionsWithPublicKey;


The SjwtError type is an interface representing a generic error thrown by the library.

interface SjwtError extends Error {
  name: string;
  message: string;


The SjwtTypeError type is an interface representing a type error thrown by the library. Property name is always SjwtTypeError.

type SjwtTypeError = SjwtError;


The SjwtValidationError type is an interface representing a validation error thrown by the library. Property name is always SjwtValidationError.

type SjwtValidationError = SjwtError;


The SjwtVerificationError type is an interface representing a verification error thrown by the library. Property name is always SjwtVerificationError.

type SjwtVerificationError = SjwtError;


The SjwtExpiredTokenError type is an interface representing an expired token error thrown by the library during verification. It extends SjwtVerificationError.

Property name is always SjwtExpiredTokenError. It also has a expiredAt property which is the date at which the token expired.

interface SjwtExpiredTokenError extends SjwtVerificationError {
  expiredAt: Date;


The library provides the following functions:

generateSync / generate

generateSync(payload: Payload, options: GenerateOptions): string

The generateSync function is a synchronous function that generates a JWT. It takes a payload and options as arguments and returns a JWT string.

generate(payload: Payload, options: GenerateOptions): Promise<string>

The generate function is promise-based asynchronous version of generateSync.

  • payload: The payload of the JWT.

  • options: The options for generating the JWT.

    • secretKey: The secret key to use for generating the JWT. Used only for HMAC algorithms.

    • privateKey: The private key to use for generating the JWT. Used only for asymmetric key algorithms.


      If both GenerateOptions.secretKey and GenerateOptions.privateKey are specified, an SjwtValidationError will be thrown. You also have to use the appropriate algorithm for the key type. See Supported Algorithms to know which algorithms are supported for each key type.

    • algorithm: The algorithm to use for generating the JWT. Defaults to HS256.

    • expiresIn: The expiration time of the JWT. If defined it overrides the exp claim in the payload.


      expiresIn is expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span vercel/ms.

      Eg: 1000, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").

    • audience: The audience(s) that the JWT is intended for. If defined it overrides the aud claim in the payload.

    • issuer: The issuer of the JWT. If defined it overrides the iss claim in the payload.

    • jwtId: The ID of the JWT. If defined it overrides the jti claim in the payload.

    • subject: The subject of the JWT. If defined it overrides the sub claim in the payload.

    • noTimestamp: If true, the generated JWT will not include an iat claim.


      Generated JWTs will include an iat (issued at) claim by default unless GenerateOptions.noTimestamp is specified. If iat is inserted in the payload, it will be used instead of the real timestamp for calculating other things like exp given a timespan in GenerateOptions.expiresIn. If both GenerateOptions.noTimestamp and Payload.iat are specified, an SjwtValidationError will be thrown.

  • Returns: In case of successful generation, the generated JWT is returned. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

verifySync / verify

verifySync(token: string, options: VerifyOptions): Payload

The verifySync function is a synchronous function that verifies a JWT. It takes a JWT string and options as arguments and returns the decoded payload.

verify(token: string, options: VerifyOptions): Promise<Payload>

The verify function is promise-based asynchronous version of verifySync.

  • token: The JWT string to verify.

  • options: The options for the verification process.

    • secretKey: The secret key to use for verifying the JWT. Used only for HMAC algorithms.

    • publicKey: The public key to use for verifying the JWT. Used only for asymmetric key algorithms.


      If both VerifyOptions.secretKey and VerifyOptions.publicKey are specified, an SjwtValidationError will be thrown. You also have to use the appropriate algorithm for the key type. See Supported Algorithms to know which algorithms are supported for each key type.

    • algorithms: List of algorithms to accept in the alg claim. Example: ['HS256', 'HS384'].


      If not specified a defaults will be used based on the type of key provided.

      • Secret key: ['HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512']
      • RSA public key: ['RS256', 'RS384', 'RS512']
      • RSA-PSS public key: ['PS256', 'PS384', 'PS512']
      • ECDSA public key: ['ES256', 'ES384', 'ES512']
    • audience: The audience(s) to accept in the aud claim. if you want to check audience (aud) claim, provide a value here.

    • issuer: string or array of strings of valid values for the iss field. if you want to check issuer (iss) claim, provide a value here.

    • jwtId: The JWT ID to accept in the jti claim. If you want to check the JWT ID, provide a value here.

    • subject: The subject to accept in the sub claim. If you want to check the subject, provide a value here.

    • ignoreExpiration: If true, the exp claim will not be validated.

    • maxAge: The maximum allowed age for tokens to still be valid.


      maxAge is expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span vercel/ms.

      Eg: 1000, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").

    • clockTimestamp: The time in seconds that should be used as the current time for all necessary comparisons.

    • clockTolerance: Number of seconds to tolerate when checking the exp claim, to deal with small clock differences among different servers.

  • Returns: In case of successful verification, the decoded payload is returned. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

Errors Codes

The library may throw the following errors:


Thrown when the provided RSA/RSA-PSS private key is invalid.

Error Type: SjwtTypeError

Error Object:

  • name: 'RsaPrivateKeyInvalid'
  • message: 'Invalid RSA private key: The provided private key is not supported.'


Thrown when the provided ECDSA private key is invalid.

Error Type: SjwtTypeError

Error Object:

  • name: 'EcdsaPrivateKeyInvalid'
  • message: 'Invalid ECDSA private key: The provided private key is not supported.'


Thrown when the JWT token header is invalid.

Error Type: SjwtTypeError

Error Object:

  • name: 'JwtTokenHeaderInvalid'
  • message: 'Invalid JWT token header: The header is not a valid JSON object encoded in base64url format.'


Thrown when the JWT token payload is invalid.

Error Type: SjwtTypeError

Error Object:

  • name: 'JwtTokenPayloadInvalid'
  • message: 'Invalid JWT token payload: The payload is not a valid JSON object encoded in base64url format.'


Thrown when the JWT token signature is invalid.

Error Type: SjwtTypeError

Error Object:

  • name: 'JwtTokenSignatureInvalid'
  • message: 'Invalid JWT token signature: The signature is not a valid base64url string.'


Thrown when the JWT token string is malformed.

Error Type: SjwtTypeError

Error Object:

  • name: 'JwtTokenMalformed'
  • message: 'Invalid JWT token: The token is not a valid JSON Web Token.'


Thrown when any of the API arguments does not meet the validation criteria.

Error Type: SjwtValidationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'SjwtValidationError'
  • message: '<Error message describing the validation error>'


Thrown during token verification when the token type is not JWT.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidTokenType'
  • message: 'Token type is not JWT'


Thrown during token verification when the algorithm in the token header is not in the list of allowed algorithms.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidAlgorithm'
  • message: 'Algorithm header.alg is not included in the list of allowed "algorithms" options.algorithms'


Thrown during token verification when the issuer in the token payload is not in the list of allowed issuers.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidIssuer'
  • message: 'jwt issuer invalid. expected: <options.issuer>'


Thrown during token verification when the subject in the token payload is not the specified allowed subjects.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidSubject'
  • message: 'jwt subject invalid. expected: <options.subject>'


Thrown during token verification when the audience in the token payload is not in the list of allowed audiences.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidAudience'
  • message: 'jwt audience invalid'


Thrown during token verification when the JWT ID in the token payload is not the specified allowed JWT ID.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidJwtId'
  • message: 'jwt jwtId invalid. expected: <options.jwtId>'


Thrown during token verification when the token is expired.

Error Type: SjwtExpiredTokenError

Error Object:

  • name: 'SjwtExpiredTokenError'
  • message:
    • 'Expired token: jwt expired': If options.ignoreExpiration is false and the token is expired.
    • 'Expired token: jwt maxAge exceeded': If options.maxAge is specified and the token age exceeds the maximum allowed age.


Thrown during token verification when the signature is invalid.

Error Type: SjwtVerificationError

Error Object:

  • name: 'InvalidSignature'
  • message: 'signature verification failed'

Supported Algorithms

The library supports the following algorithms:

alg Parameter Value Digital Signature or MAC Algorithm
HS256 HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm
HS384 HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm
HS512 HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm
RS256 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 hash algorithm
RS384 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384 hash algorithm
RS512 RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512 hash algorithm
PS256 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 hash algorithm (only node ^6.12.0 OR >=8.0.0)
PS384 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 hash algorithm (only node ^6.12.0 OR >=8.0.0)
PS512 RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 hash algorithm (only node ^6.12.0 OR >=8.0.0)
ES256 ECDSA using P-256 curve and SHA-256 hash algorithm
ES384 ECDSA using P-384 curve and SHA-384 hash algorithm
ES512 ECDSA using P-521 curve and SHA-512 hash algorithm


Contributions are welcome! Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.



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