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0.22.0 • Public • Published

AI on Browser

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Machine learning and data analysis package implemented in JavaScript and its online demo.


  • Most of the models are completed in a single file and implemented in a simple way.
  • The machine learning part of the code does not use any external libraries, except for the loading part of the ONNX file.
  • All processing in the demo is done in client-side JavaScript.



  • The code is not practical in terms of speed, memory usage, etc.
  • There is no single compact file, and each model file exists only separately. However, it is possible to use them from the default import as shown in Example.



npm install --save @ai-on-browser/data-analysis-models


Download from the CDN.

<script type="module">
    import dam from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ai-on-browser/data-analysis-models@0.22.0/lib/index.min.js';
    // Do something



import dam from '@ai-on-browser/data-analysis-models';

const x = dam.Matrix.randn(100, 3);
const y = x.sum(1);

const model = new dam.models.Ridge(0.1);
model.fit(x.toArray(), y.toArray());

const predict = model.predict(x.toArray());
const error = dam.evaluate.rmse(predict, y.toArray());


import dam from '@ai-on-browser/data-analysis-models';

const x = dam.Matrix.randn(100, 3);
const y = x.sum(1);

const layers = [
    { type: 'input' },
    { type: 'full', out_size: 5 },
    { type: 'tanh' },
    { type: 'full', out_size: 1 },
const model = dam.models.NeuralNetwork.fromObject(layers, 'mse', 'adam');
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    model.fit(x.toArray(), y.toArray());

const predict = model.predict(x.toArray());
const error = dam.evaluate.rmse(predict, y.toArray());


import dam from '@ai-on-browser/data-analysis-models';

const env = new dam.rl.CartPoleRLEnvironment();
const agent = new dam.models.QAgent(env, 6);

const n = 1.0e+4;
const totalRewards = []
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    let curState = env.reset();
    totalRewards[i] = 0;
    while (true) {
        const action = agent.get_action(curState, Math.max(0.01, 1 - i / 2000));
        const { state, reward, done } = env.step(action);
        agent.update(action, curState, state, reward);
        totalRewards[i] += reward;
        curState = state;
        if (done) {

    if (totalRewards.length >= 10 && totalRewards.slice(-10).reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0) / 10 > 150) {
        console.log(i, totalRewards[totalRewards.length - 1]);

Models (with demo)

task model
clustering (Soft / Kernel / Genetic / Weighted / Bisecting) k-means, k-means++, k-medois, k-medians, x-means, G-means, LBG, ISODATA, Fuzzy c-means, Possibilistic c-means, k-harmonic means, MacQueen, Hartigan-Wong, Elkan, Hamelry, Drake, Yinyang, Agglomerative (complete linkage, single linkage, group average, Ward's, centroid, weighted average, median), DIANA, Monothetic, Mutual kNN, Mean shift, DBSCAN, OPTICS, DTSCAN, HDBSCAN, DENCLUE, DBCLASD, BRIDGE, CLUES, PAM, CLARA, CLARANS, BIRCH, CURE, ROCK, C2P, PLSA, Latent dirichlet allocation, GMM, VBGMM, Affinity propagation, Spectral clustering, Mountain, (Growing) SOM, GTM, (Growing) Neural gas, Growing cell structures, LVQ, ART, SVC, CAST, CHAMELEON, COLL, CLIQUE, PROCLUS, ORCLUS, FINDIT, DOC, FastDOC, DiSH, NMF, Autoencoder
classification (Fisher's) Linear discriminant, Quadratic discriminant, Mixture discriminant, Least squares, (Multiclass / Kernel) Ridge, (Complement / Negation / Universal-set / Selective) Naive Bayes (gaussian), AODE, (Fuzzy / Weighted) k-nearest neighbor, Radius neighbor, Nearest centroid, ENN, ENaN, NNBCA, ADAMENN, DANN, IKNN, Decision tree, Random forest, Extra trees, GBDT, XGBoost, ALMA, (Aggressive) ROMMA, (Bounded) Online gradient descent, (Budgeted online) Passive aggressive, RLS, (Selective-sampling) Second order perceptron, AROW, NAROW, Confidence weighted, CELLIP, IELLIP, Normal herd, Stoptron, (Kernelized) Pegasos, MIRA, Forgetron, Projectron, Projectron++, Banditron, Ballseptron, (Multiclass) BSGD, ILK, SILK, (Multinomial) Logistic regression, (Multinomial) Probit, SVM, Gaussian process, HMM, CRF, Bayesian Network, LVQ, (Average / Multiclass / Voted / Kernelized / Selective-sampling / Margin / Shifting / Budget / Tighter / Tightest) Perceptron, PAUM, RBP, ADALINE, MADALINE, MLP, ELM, LMNN
semi-supervised classification k-nearest neighbor, Radius neighbor, Label propagation, Label spreading, k-means, GMM, S3VM, Ladder network
regression Least squares, Ridge, Lasso, Elastic net, RLS, Bayesian linear, Poisson, Least absolute deviations, Huber, Tukey, Least trimmed squares, Least median squares, Lp norm linear, SMA, Deming, Segmented, LOWESS, LOESS, spline, Naive Bayes, Gaussian process, Principal components, Partial least squares, Projection pursuit, Quantile regression, k-nearest neighbor, Radius neighbor, IDW, Nadaraya Watson, Priestley Chao, Gasser Muller, RBF Network, RVM, Decision tree, Random forest, Extra trees, GBDT, XGBoost, SVR, MARS, MLP, ELM, GMR, Isotonic, Ramer Douglas Peucker, Theil-Sen, Passing-Bablok, Repeated median
interpolation Nearest neighbor, IDW, (Spherical) Linear, Brahmagupta, Logarithmic, Cosine, (Inverse) Smoothstep, Cubic, (Centripetal) Catmull-Rom, Hermit, Polynomial, Lagrange, Trigonometric, Spline, RBF Network, Akima, Natural neighbor, Delaunay
learning to rank Ordered logistic, Ordered probit, PRank, OAP-BPM, RankNet
anomaly detection Percentile, MAD, Tukey's fences, Grubbs's test, Thompson test, Tietjen Moore test, Generalized ESD, Hotelling, MT, MCD, k-nearest neighbor, LOF, COF, ODIN, LDOF, INFLO, LOCI, LoOP, RDF, LDF, KDEOS, RDOS, NOF, RKOF, ABOD, PCA, OCSVM, KDE, GMM, Isolation forest, Autoencoder, GAN
dimensionality reduction Random projection, (Dual / Kernel / Incremental / Probabilistic) PCA, GPLVM, LSA, MDS, Linear discriminant analysis, NCA, ICA, Principal curve, Sammon, FastMap, Sliced inverse regression, LLE, HLLE, MLLE, Laplacian eigenmaps, Isomap, LTSA, Diffusion map, SNE, t-SNE, UMAP, SOM, GTM, NMF, MOD, K-SVD, Autoencoder, VAE
feature selection Mutual information, Ridge, Lasso, Elastic net, Decision tree, NCA
transformation Box-Cox, Yeo-Johnson
density estimation Histogram, Average shifted histogram, Polynomial histogram, Maximum likelihood, Kernel density estimation, k-nearest neighbor, Naive Bayes, GMM, HMM
generate MH, Slice sampling, GMM, GBRBM, HMM, VAE, GAN, NICE
smoothing (Linear weighted / Triangular / Cumulative) Moving average, Exponential average, Moving median, KZ filter, Savitzky Golay filter, Hampel filter, Kalman filter, Particle filter, Lowpass filter, Bessel filter, Butterworth filter, Chebyshev filter, Elliptic filter
timeseries prediction Holt winters, AR, ARMA, SDAR, VAR, Kalman filter, MLP, RNN
change point detection Cumulative sum, k-nearest neighbor, LOF, COF, SST, KLIEP, LSIF, uLSIF, LSDD, HMM, Markov switching
segmentation P-Tile, Automatic thresholding, Balanced histogram thresholding, Otsu's method, Sezan, Adaptive thresholding, Bernsen, Niblack, Sauvola, Phansalkar, Split and merge, Statistical Region Merging, Mean shift
denoising NL-means, Hopfield network, RBM, GBRBM
edge detection Roberts cross, Sobel, Prewitt, Laplacian, LoG, Canny, Snakes
word embedding Word2Vec
recommendation association analysis
markov decision process Dynamic programming, Monte carlo, Q learning, SARSA, Policy gradient, DQN, DDQN, A2C, Genetic algorithm
game DQN, DDQN

Models (only in package)

type model
clustering k-modes, k-prototypes, MONA
classification Categorical Naive Bayes, (Selective-sampling) Winnow
semi-supervised classification Semi-supervised Naive Bayes
regression Weighted least squares
interpolation Cubic convolution, Sinc, Lanczos, Bilinear, n-linear, n-cubic
scaling Max absolute scaler, Minmax normalization, Robust scaler, Standardization
density estimation ZINB, ZIP, ZTP
density ratio estimation RuLSIF

Models (meta)

type model
classification Binary ensemble, Probability based, RANSAC
semi-supervised classification Self-training, Co-training
regression RANSAC
change point detection Squared-loss Mutual information


name description
manual Create 2D or 1D data manually.
text Create text data manually.
function Create from a expression like exp(-(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) / 2).
camera Images taken with a web camera
capture Images captured from a window
microphone Audio recorded with a microphone
upload Uploaded Text/CSV/Image file
Air passenger Famous 1D time series data
HR Diagram The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram of the Star Cluster CYG OB1
Titanic Titanic data
UCI Data from UCI Machine Learning Repository
ESL Data from The Elements of Statistical Learning
StatLib Data from StatLib---Datasets Archive
MNIST handwritten digits
e-Stat Data from Statistics Dashboard (https://dashboard.e-stat.go.jp/en/)
Eurostat Data from Eurostat (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat)
Pokémon Pokémon data (https://pokeapi.co/)

Reinforcement learning environment

name description
grid A simple maze on 2D grid world.
cartpole Stand the pole on the cart.
mountain car Drive the car up the hill.
acrobot Lift the double pendulum.
pendulum Lift the pendulum.
maze A maze on a fine grid plane.
waterball Moving amidst the drift of bait and poison.
blackjack Blackjack game.
draughts Draughts game.
reversi Reversi game.
gomoku Gomoku game.
breaker Breaker game.

NeuralNetwork layers

type name
basic input, output, supervisor, include, const, random, variable, activation
function absolute, acos, acosh, APL, Aranda, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, attention, batch normalization, BDAA, Bent identity, BLU, BReLU, ceil, CELU, cloglog, cloglogm, cos, cosh, CReLU, EELU, (hard) ELiSH, Elliott, ELU, embedding, EReLU, erf, ESwish, exp, FELU, full, floor, FReLU, gaussian, GELU, Hard shrink, Hexpo, identity, ISigmoid, layer normalization, Leaky ReLU, LiSHT, log, loglog, logsigmoid, mish, MPELU, MTLU, negative, NLReLU, PAU, PDELU, PELU, PLU, PReLU, PREU, PSF, pTanh, PTELU, reciprocal, ReLU, RePU, ReSech, REU, rootsig, round, RReLU, RTReLU, SELU, (hard) sigmoid, sign, SiLU, sin, sinh, SLAF, SLU, softmax, softplus, Soft shrink, softsign, sqrt, square, SReLU, SRS, sSigmoid, sTanh, (hard) Swish, TAF, tan, (hard) tanh, tanhExp, tanShrink, Thresholded ReLU
operator add, sub, mult, div, mod, matmul, power, max, min
logical and, bitwise and, bitwise not, bitwise or, bitwise xor, equal, greater, greater or equal, is inf, is nan, left bitshift, less, less or equal, not, or, right bitshift, xor
convolute convolution, (Global) MaxPool, (Global) AveragePool, (Global) LpPool, LRN
recurrent GRU, LSTM, Simple RNN
reduce sum, mean, prod, variance, std, reduce max, reduce min, argmax, softargmax
graph convolutional, SAGE, readout
loss Huber, MSE
other concat, split, detach, clip, dropout, One-hot, reshape, flatten, transpose, reverse, sparce, conditional, function


Twitter : @mirasunimoni

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