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1.3.0 • Public • Published


Joi validation decorators for TypeScript.

Easily validate your classes, method parameters, and properties using Joi decorators.


Install using npm:

$ npm install @aidenhadisi/joi-decorators

Or using yarn:

$ yarn add @aidenhadisi/joi-decorators


Validate Class Properties

Valid decorator validates class properties whenever the property is set or modified. Anytime the value is modified the validation schema will be applied.

import { Valid } from "@aidenhadisi/joi-decorators";

//Create a Joi Schema:
let schema = Joi.string().max(5);

class Employee {
	//Pass schema to decorator
	public id: string

	public name: string;

	constructor() {
		this.name = "John Doe"
		this.id = "valid";

let employee = new Employee();

//Throws Joi.ValidationError
employee.id = "invalid";

Furthermore, If an invalid value is provided during the class construction, the constructor function will throw.

import { Valid } from "@aidenhadisi/joi-decorators";

//Create a Joi Schema:
let schema = Joi.string().max(5);

class Employee {
	//Pass schema to decorator
	public id: string

	public name: string;

	constructor() {
		this.name = "John Doe"
		//Invalid value in constructor
		this.id = "Invalid";

//Throws Joi.ValidationError
let employee = new Employee();

Validating Constructor Parameters

Validate and Valid decorators can be used to validate constructor parameters.

import { Valid, Validate } from "@aidenhadisi/joi-decorators";

//Create a Joi Schema:
let schema = Joi.string().max(5);

//Mark class with Validate
class Employee {
	public id: string
	public name: string;

	//Mark the parameter with Valid decorator and pass the Joi schema
	constructor(@Valid(schema) id: string) {
		this.name = "John Doe"
		this.id = id;

//Throws Joi.ValidationError
let employee = new Employee("Invalid");

Validating Method Parameters

Validate and Valid decorators can be used to validate method parameters.

import { Valid, Validate } from "@aidenhadisi/joi-decorators";

//Create a Joi Schema:
let schema = Joi.string().max(5);

class Employee {
	public id: string
	public name: string;

	constructor() {
		this.name = "John Doe"
		this.id = "valid";

	//Mark the method with validate
	//and mark the parameter with Valid decorator and pass the Joi schema
	public changeId(@Valid(schema) id: string) {
		this.id = id;

let employee = new Employee();

//Throws Joi.ValidationError


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to add new features and improve the code.

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  • aidenhadisi