
0.8.2 • Public • Published


React Native library for seamless Truecaller integration, supporting Android SDK v3.0.1 and iOS SDK v0.1.8

Note: Ios stil need fixes, will be updating soon, any contributions are welcomed.


  • Easy integration with Truecaller SDK for both Android and iOS
  • Customizable UI options for Android
  • Simplified user authentication flow
  • TypeScript support


npm install @ajitpatel28/react-native-truecaller
# or
yarn add @ajitpatel28/react-native-truecaller


iOS Setup

To generate a client ID, follow the instructions in the Truecaller IOS Guide.

  1. Add the following to your Podfile:
pod '@ajitpatel28/react-native-truecaller', :path => '../node_modules/@ajitpatel28/react-native-truecaller'
  1. Run pod install in your iOS directory.

  2. In your iOS project, add URL schemes for Truecaller in your Info.plist:


Replace {YOUR_APP_ID} with your actual Truecaller App ID.

  1. Add the truesdk entry under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in your Info.plist file:
  1. Add the associated domain provided by Truecaller:
  • In Xcode, go to your project's target
  • Select the "Signing & Capabilities" tab
  • Click on "+ Capability" and add "Associated Domains"
  • Add the domain provided by Truecaller with the "applinks:" prefix

For example: applinks:your-provided-domain.com

Note: Do not include "http://" or "https://" in the domain.

Android Setup

To generate a client ID, follow the instructions in the Truecaller Android Guide.

  1. Add the Truecaller SDK client ID to your AndroidManifest.xml file inside the <application> tag:

Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with your actual Truecaller client ID.

  1. Ensure your app has the INTERNET permission in the AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import { useTruecaller } from '@ajitpatel28/react-native-truecaller';
const TruecallerLoginComponent = () => {
  const {
  } = useTruecaller({
    androidClientId: 'YOUR_ANDROID_CLIENT_ID',
    iosAppKey: 'YOUR_IOS_APP_KEY',
    iosAppLink: 'YOUR_IOS_APP_LINK',
    androidSuccessHandler: handleBackendValidation,
  useEffect(() => {
// Initialize the Truecaller SDK when the component mounts
  }, []);
  const handleTruecallerLogin = async () => {
    try {
      await openTruecallerForVerification();
// The userProfile will be updated automatically if verification is successful
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Truecaller login error:', err);
// Handle error

  const handleBackendValidation = async (data) => {
    // do server side validation if needed

  useEffect(() => {
    if (userProfile) {
      console.log('Truecaller profile:', userProfile);
// Handle successful login, e.g., navigate to a new screen or update app state
  }, [userProfile]);
  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) {
      console.error('Truecaller error:', error);
// Handle error, e.g., show an error message to the user
  }, [error]);
  return (
      <Button title="Login with Truecaller" onPress={handleTruecallerLogin} />
export default TruecallerLoginComponent;


useTruecaller(config: TruecallerConfig)

A custom hook that provides access to Truecaller functionality.


  • config: TruecallerConfig object with the following properties:
    • androidClientId: (string) Your Android client ID
    • iosAppKey: (string) Your iOS app key
    • iosAppLink: (string) Your iOS app link
    • androidButtonColor: (optional) Color of the Truecaller button on Android
    • androidButtonTextColor: (optional) Text color of the Truecaller button on Android
    • androidButtonShape: (optional) Shape of the Truecaller button on Android
    • androidButtonText: (optional) Text displayed on the Truecaller button on Android
    • androidFooterButtonText: (optional) Text displayed on the footer button on Android
    • androidConsentHeading: (optional) Heading text for the consent screen on Android
    • androidSuccessHandler: (optional) Callback function invoked on Android when Truecaller succeeds with a response. It receives a parameter of type TruecallerAndroidResponse containing the success data. Pass this function if you want to do server side validation of the Truecaller response.


  • initializeSDK(): Promise<void>: Initializes the Truecaller SDK.
  • isTrucallerInitialized: boolean: Returns true if the Truecaller SDK is initialized.
  • isSdkUsable(): boolean: Returns true if the Truecaller SDK is usable on the current device.
  • openTruecallerForVerification(): Promise<void>: Requests the user's Truecaller verification.
  • userProfile: The user's Truecaller profile (if available). For android, it will be available only if androidSuccessHandler is not provided then library will internally handle the validation and will return the userProfile
  • error: Any error that occurred during the Truecaller operations.


The library provides several constants for customization:

import {
} from '@ajitpatel28/react-native-truecaller';

These constants include options for button styles, consent modes, event types, and supported languages.

Error Handling

The library throws errors in case of initialization or profile request failures. Implement proper error handling in your application using try-catch blocks or by checking the error value returned from the useTruecaller hook.


  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions set up in your app for accessing user information.
  • Follow Truecaller's guidelines and policies when implementing this SDK in your application.
  • For more detailed customization options, refer to the Truecaller SDK documentation for Android and iOS.


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with ❤️ by Ajit Patel and create-react-native-library

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  • ajitpatel