TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.0.14 • Public • Published


A typescript implementation of the upper bound algorithm.

The upper bound algorithm is desired to find the index of first elements which greater than the target element.


  • npm

    npm install --save @algorithm.ts/upper-bound
  • yarn

    yarn add @algorithm.ts/upper-bound
  • deno

    import upperBound from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guanghechen/algorithm.ts/main/packages/upper-bound/src/index.ts'


  • Basic

    import upperBound from '@algorithm.ts/upper-bound'
    // elements should be ordered.
    const elements: number[] = [2, 3, 7, 11, 19]
    // Find the index of elements which is the first element greater than 8
    // elements[3] = 11 >= 8
    upperBound(0, elements.length, x => elements[x] - 8) // => 3
    // Find the index of elements which is the first element greater or equal than 3
    // elements[1] = 7 >= 3
    upperBound(0, elements.length, x => elements[x] - 3) // => 2
  • Complex

    import upperBound from '@algorithm.ts/upper-bound'
    const fruits = [
      { type: 'orange', price: 3 },
      { type: 'apple', price: 10 },
      { type: 'banana', price: 10 },
      { type: 'watermelon', price: 12 },
      { type: 'lemon', price: 15 },
    // Find the index of fruits which price is greater or equal than 9
    upperBound(0, fruits.length, x => fruits[x].price - 9) // => 1
    // Find the index of fruits which price is greater or equal than 10
    upperBound(0, fruits.length, x => fruits[x].price - 10) // => 3
    // Find the index of fruits which price is greater or equal than 11
    upperBound(0, fruits.length, x => fruits[x].price - 11) // => 3
  • Bigint

    import { upperBoundBigint } from '@algorithm.ts/upper-bound'
    upperBoundBigInt(-500000000000n, 5000000000n, x => x - 1n) // => 2n


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      • lemonclown