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Dynamic filter builder for rethinkdbdash inspired by https://github.com/node-tastypie/tastypie-rethink


You can use a number of special query string params to control how data is paged on the list endpoint. Namely -

  • limit - Page size ( default 25 )
  • offset - The starting point in the list

limit=25&offset=50 would be the start of page 3


sorting is handled query param orderby where you can pass it the name of a field to sort on. Sorting is descending by default. Specifying a negetive field ( - ) would flip the order

Advanced Filtering

You might have noticed the filtering field on the schema. One of the things that makes an API "Good" is the ability to use query and filter the data to get very specific subsets of data. Tastypie exposes this through the query string as field and filter combinations. By default, the resource doesn't have anything enabled, you need to specify which filters are allowed on which fields, or specify 1 to allow everything

Filter Types

Filter function
gt greater than
gte greater than or equal to
lt less than
lte less than or equal to
in Value in set ( [ 1,2,3 ])
nin Value Not in set
size Size of set ( array length )
startswith Case Sensitive string match
istartswith Case Insensitive string match
endswith Case Sensitive string match
iendswith Case Insensitive string match
contains Case Sensitive global string match
icontains Case Insensitive global string match
exact ( = ) Exact Case Sensitive string match
iexact Exact Case Insensitive string match
isnull matches null values
month Matches date values on a specific month
day Matches date values on a speciec day of the week
year Matches date values on a specific year
all Matches all elements in an array
range Matches dates withing a specified range
ne not equal to

Filters are added by appending a double underscore __ and the filter type to the end of a field name. Given our example, if we wanted to find people who were older than 25, we would use the following URI syntax


Filters are additive for a given field. For example, if we we only wanted people where we between 25 and 45, we would just add another filter


The same double underscore __ syntax is used to access nested fields where the filter is always the last parameter. So we could find people whos age was greater than 25, less than 45 and whose Company Name starts with W


expressions with no filters will use the default exact filter



filter(r <rethinkdbdash>, filters <Object>): Query

  • r - a rethinkdb dash connection w/ a default database configured
  • filters - an object to generate a query from. Typically a result from querystring.parse
  • returns a rethink filter query suitable to pass to r.filter

Given a table of user records

  "email": "billybob@bobsfarms.biz"
, name: {
    "first": "Billy"
  , "last": "Bob"
const qs = require('querystring')
const {filter} = require('@allstar/reql-builder')
const r = require('rethinkdbdash')({db: 'test'})

// emails w/ .biz
// name.first = ^bi

const filters = filter(r, {
  email__icontains: '.biz'
, name__first__istartswith: 'bi'

// same as

const opts = qs.parse('email__contains=.biz&name__first__istartswith=bi')
const filters = filter(r, opts)

r.table('users').filter(filters).then((results) => {

toResponse(r <rethinkdbdash>, table <String> [,options] <Object>): Promise

returns a paginated list of records suitable for an api response directly from the database


  • limit <number> [25] the maximum number of records to return
  • offset <number> [0] The number of records to skip over
  • filters `[object] Filters to apply the the dataset before pagination
  • orderby [string] The filed and direction (-/+) to sort the records by
  • orderby_index [string] the name of the index to use to sort by - it should include the field
  • With out an index to order by performance can degrade very quickly with large datasets
const toResponse = require('@allstar/reql-builder')
const r = require('rethinkdbdash')({db: 'test'})

toResponse(r, 'users', {
  orderby: '-id'
, orderby_index: 'user_id_idx'
, limit: 5
, offset: 5 // page 2
, filters: {email__iendswith: '.biz'}

  "meta": {
    total: 7
  , limit: 5
  , offset: 5
  , next: null
  , previous: null
, "data" :[
    {id: 6, email: 'fake-6@test.biz'}
  , {id: 7, email: 'fake-7@test.biz'}

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  • esatterwhite