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1.3.0 • Public • Published

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Opinionated but flexibel ESlint config, based on @antfu/eslint-config with personal preferences. Also includes optional rulesets for Nuxt.

Release Notes


This is my personal ESlint configuration, based on the excellent @antfu/eslint-config. It only deviates for some minor tweaks and personal preferences, since I agree almost completely with Anthony's style choices.

My config also adds some additional and optional rulesets for Nuxt.

Some of the main features, inherited directly from @antfu/eslint-config:

  • Single quotes, no semi
  • Auto fix for formatting (aimed to be used standalone without Prettier)
  • Sorted imports, dangling commas
  • Reasonable defaults, best practices, only one line of config
  • Designed to work with TypeScript, JSX, Vue out-of-box
  • Lints also for json, yaml, toml, markdown
  • Opinionated, but very customizable
  • ESLint Flat config, compose easily!
  • Using ESLint Stylistic
  • Respects .gitignore by default
  • Optional React, Svelte, UnoCSS, Astro support
  • Optional formatters support for CSS, HTML, etc.
  • Style principle: Minimal for reading, stable for diff, consistent

My own customizations and preferences:

  • (Vue) Set maximum allowed attributes per line on HTML elements (10 for singleline, 1 for multiline)
  • (General) Force use of curly braces on control statements
  • (General) Disable antfu/top-level-function to allow arrow syntax on top level functions
  • (Nuxt - Optional) Set some specific Nuxt rules if not already covered by Antfu's config (sourced from @nuxt/eslint-config)
  • ... and some other minor tweaks

🛠️ Setup


pnpm i -D eslint @alvarosabu/eslint-config


With "type": "module" in package.json (recommended):

Basic use

Using the default config without arguments uses the following @antfu/eslint-config options as defaults:

  • autodetects Vue
  • autodetects Typescript
  • enables ESlint Stylistic
// eslint.config.js
import { alvarosabu } from '@alvarosabu/eslint-config'

export default alvarosabu()

Setting options and using custom rules

It is possible to add custom rules with the following configuration.

  • The first item must contain options to be passed to @antfu/eslint-config (read more on its docs for possible options). It must always be present even if left empty.
  • From the second item going on, you can add as many custom ESlint flat config objects as you need.
// eslint.config.js
import { alvarosabu } from '@alvarosabu/eslint-config'

export default alvarosabu(
  // @antfu/eslint-config options, must be the first argument
    stylistic: false,
  // Addtionals flat configs start from here
    rules: {
      curly: 'off',
Using optional Nuxt

This package also provides optional configuration for Nuxt. To use it, simply add the nuxt config to the list of configs.

// eslint.config.js
import { alvarosabu, nuxt } from '@alvarosabu/eslint-config'

export default alvarosabu(
  {}, // @antfu/eslint-config options, must always be present as first item even if empty
    // ESlint Flat config rule object

📝 VS Code Support

If you use VS Code, you should manually enable support for ESLint flat config.

Install VS Code ESLint extension.

Add the following settings to your .vscode/settings.json:

  // Enable the ESLint flat config support
  "eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true

For more settings, check the "VS Code support" section in antfu/eslint-config

📝 License


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  • alvarosaburido