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React Native Bottom Sheet

Small react native bottom sheet

👉🏾 👈🏾

Preview for Android & iOS

Web Preview


  • 📦 Very tiny and lightweight
  • 0️⃣ No dependency (yeah!, just plug and play 😎)
  • ✨ Modal and standard (non-modal) bottom sheet support
  • ⌨ Smart & automatic keyboard and orientation handling for iOS & Android
  • 💪 Imperative calls
  • 📜 Supports FlatList, SectionList, ScrollView & View scrolling interactions
  • 📟 Handles layout & orientation changes smartly
  • 💯 Compatible with Expo
  • 🔧 Flexible config
  • 🚀 Supports props live update
  • 🎞 Configurable animation
  • 🎨 Follows Material Design principles
  • 🌐 Runs on the web
  • ✅ Written in TypeScript
  • 🎄 Dynamic bottom sheet height

💻 Installation

npm install @amir-hossein-karimi/bottom-sheet


yarn add @amir-hossein-karimi/bottom-sheet

📱 Minimal Usage

Opening and closing the bottom sheet is done imperatively, so just pass a ref to the bottom sheet and call the open or close methods via the ref instance to open and close the bottom sheet respectively.



import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import BottomSheet, { BottomSheetMethods } from '@amir-hossein-karimi/bottom-sheet';
import { Button, View } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const sheetRef = useRef<BottomSheetMethods>(null);
  return (
      <Button title="Open" onPress={() => sheetRef.current?.open()} />
      <BottomSheet ref={sheetRef}>
          The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀

export default App;


import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import BottomSheet, { BottomSheetMethods } from '@amir-hossein-karimi/bottom-sheet';
import { Button, View } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  const sheetRef = useRef(null);
  return (
      <Button title="Open" onPress={() => sheetRef.current?.open()} />
      <BottomSheet ref={sheetRef}>
          The smart 😎, tiny 📦, and flexible 🎗 bottom sheet your app craves 🚀

⚠ Warning

The bottom sheet component uses and handles pan gestures internally, so to avoid scroll/pan misbehavior with its container, DO NOT put it inside a container that supports panning e.g ScrollView. You can always put it just next to the ScrollView and use React Fragment or a View to wrap them and everything should be okay.

❌ Don't do this


✅ Do this



🛠 Props

The bottom sheet is highly configurable via props. All props works for both Android and iOS except those prefixed with android_ and ios_, which works for only Android and iOS respectively.

Property Type Default Description Required
android_backdropMaskRippleColor string | OpaqueColorValue Color of the ripple effect when backdrop mask is pressed (Android Only). No
android_closeOnBackPress boolean true Determines whether the sheet will close when the device back button is pressed (Android Only). No
animationType 'slide' | 'spring' | 'fade' | ANIMATIONS 'slide' Animation to use when opening and closing the bottom sheet. No
backdropMaskColor string | OpaqueColorValue '#00000052' Color of the scrim or backdrop mask. No
children ViewProps['children'] | React.FunctionComponent<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}> null Contents of the bottom sheet. Yes
closeDuration number 500 Duration for sheet closing animation. No
closeOnBackdropPress boolean true Determines whether the bottom sheet will close when the scrim or backdrop mask is pressed. No
closeOnDragDown boolean true Determines whether the bottom sheet will close when dragged down. No
containerHeight ViewStyle['height'] DEVICE SCREEN HEIGHT Height of the bottom sheet's overall container. No
customBackdropComponent React.FunctionComponent<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}> null Custom component for sheet's scrim or backdrop mask. No
customBackdropPosition "top" | "behind" 'behind' Determines the position of the custom scrim or backdrop component. 'behind' puts it behind the keyboard and `'top'`` puts it atop the keyboard. No
customDragHandleComponent React.FC<{_animatedHeight: Animated.Value}> Custom drag handle component to replace the default bottom sheet's drag handle. No
customEasingFunction AnimationEasingFunction ANIMATIONS.SLIDE Custom easing function for driving sheet's animation. No
disableBodyPanning boolean false Prevents the bottom sheet from being dragged/panned down on its body. No
disableDragHandlePanning boolean false Prevents the bottom sheet from being panned down by dragging its drag handle. No
dragHandleStyle ViewStyle Extra styles to apply to the drag handle. No
height number | string '50%' Height of the bottom sheet when opened. Relative to containerHeight prop No
hideDragHandle boolean false When true, hides the sheet's drag handle. No
modal boolean true Determines whether the sheet is a modal. A modal sheet has a scrim or backdrop mask, while a standard (non-modal) sheet doesn't. No
openDuration number 500 Duration for sheet opening animation. No
style Omit<ViewStyle, 'height' | 'minHeight' | 'maxHeight' | 'transform:[{translateY}]'> Extra styles to apply to the bottom sheet. No


Flexibility is a focus for this bottom sheet, these few examples shows certain behaviors of the bottom sheet and what can be achieved by tweaking its props.

1️⃣ Smart response to keyboard pop ups and orientation changes (automatic behavior)

Android iOS
Preview for keyboard handling (Android) Preview for keyboard handling (iOS)

2️⃣ Handles deeply nested list and scroll views interactions (automatic beavior)

Android iOS
Preview for scroll handling (Android) Preview for scroll handling (iOS)

3️⃣ Auto adjusts layout when height and containerHeight props change (automatic behavior)

4️⃣ Extend sheet height when its content is scrolled

5️⃣ Use as SnackBar

6️⃣ Custom Drag Handle Animation Interpolation

7️⃣ Custom Scrim/Backdrop Mask

More Examples and code samples coming soon...


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.





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