This package contains ambient/global type declarations for AO processes. It's used together with TypeScript-to-Lua to compile TypeScript to Lua code that can run on AOS.
This allows autocompletion for globals and modules of AOS and Lua's standard library. If you export your types, you can also use them in your client to get end-to-end type safety.
Install this package and its peer dependencies:
npm i -D @ao-tools/tstl-ao typescript typescript-to-lua lua-types @typescript-to-lua/language-extensions
- typescript and typescript-to-lua for compilation
- lua-types contains type definitions for the Lua standard library.
- @typescript-to-lua/language-extensions enables to type Lua constructs that don't map directly to TypeScript.
Create a tsconfig.json
file with the following content:
"$schema": "",
"include": ["path/to/process.ts"],
"compilerOptions": {
"strict": true,
"target": "ESNext",
"lib": ["ESNext"],
"moduleResolution": "Node",
"types": [
"tstl": {
"luaTarget": "5.3",
"luaBundleEntry": "path/to/process.ts",
"luaBundle": "path/to/build/process.lua",
"luaLibImport": "require-minimal",
"noHeader": true
and luaBundleEntry
must at least contain the path to your process
entry file.
contains the file path where TSTL saves the Lua bundle.
is the setting that controls built-in JavaScript APIs like
or Object.keys
. require-minimal
is the most robust setting
that allows the use of those APIs without importing all of TSTL's JavaScript
If you don't want to use any of those APIs, you can set this to none
and save some space by using the built-in AOS modules instead.
If you only use very few of those APIs you can use inline
Lua isn't JavaScript, so there is no 100% compat. These are the differences you might encounter.
"" == true
NaN == true
0 == true
null === undefined
(Note: tripple equals!)
Using ===
an !==
resolves all but the last difference.
a.x = null
and a.x = undefined
are equivalent to delete a.x
TSTL doesn't shim JavaScript regular expressions. Use string.find()
You can't iterate an array with for ... in
, use for ... of
, .forEach
, or
The table.sort
function is not stable.
You can only declare 200 variable per function.
The json.encode
function will encode both, an empty array and an empty object
to an empty array.
Calling ao.send().receive()
will stop the execution of the following lines of
code until the target process replies.
Consider const x = ao.send().receive()
to work similar to
const x = await ao.send()
The following code uses built-in modules of AOS, defines a type and sets up an info handler.
File: backend/process.ts
import * as Crypto from ".crypto"
import * as Json from "json"
export type InfoResponse = {
Id: string
Name: string
Owner: string
MemoryUsage: number
PseudoRandom: number
Time: number
Handlers.add("example-handler", "Info", (message) => {
const info: InfoResponse = {
// AOS global variables
Name: Name,
Owner: Owner,
// AOS module function
PseudoRandom: Crypto.random(0, 100),
// Lua standard library function
MemoryUsage: collectgarbage("count"),
Time: os.time(),
// AOS module function
Data: Json.encode(info),
You an use the InfoResponse
type when parsing the messge data on a client.
File: frontend/client.ts
import * as aoconnect from "@permaweb/aoconnect"
import type { InfoResponse } from "../backend/process.ts"
const result = await aoconnect.dryrun({
process: "<PROCESS_ID>"
tags: [{name: "Action", value: "Info"}]
const response: InfoResponse = JSON.parse(result.Messages.pop().Data)