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0.1.0 • Public • Published


This library provides a scrollable interface for rendering lists in <FatList /> for the need of section support, use <SectionList />, along with features like

  • Infinite Scroll
  • Header / Footer
  • Vertical / Horizontal
  • Inverted
  • Sticky

Before you start!

I want to enhance this library and would love to hear your feedback on whether it needs improvement, has bugs, features to be added in the next version or anything else. Your input is crucial in guiding the development, so please share your ideas on the additions or changes you'd like to see. Read the Contributing Guide


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Note: Asterisk (*) in props column represent required field.

Prop type Description Default
FlatList SectionList
data * Array<ItemT> Array<SectionT<ItemT>> List of data to render undefined
renderItem * (info: ItemProps<ItemT>) => ReactNode Node to renders each item into the list undefined
keyExtractor (info: ItemProps<ItemT>) => string Unique ID to pass each item index
horizontal boolean Renders the list horizontally false
inverted boolean Inverted render of the entire list false
hideScrollabar boolean Whether to show the list scrollbar or not false
width CCSSProperties["width"] Width of the list undefined
height CCSSProperties["height"] Height of the list undefined
background CCSSProperties["background"] Background of the list undefined
gapBetweenItems CCSSProperties["gap"] Space between the items on the list undefined
initialScrollIndex number Scroll to the item (section in SectionList) at the index undefined
onEndReached function Function to execute on reaching the end of the list undefined
onEndReachedIgnored boolean Ignore observing whether the end of the list is reached or not false
onEndReachedThreshold number Run onEndReached before reaching the end of the list (0 - 1) 0
noOfItems number Number of items in each row (column when horizontal) 1
loading boolean Prevent calling onEndReached until the last call is completed and show the end loader component undefined
ListLoadingComponent ReactElement | ReactNode Component to appear at the end of the list while loading undefined
ListHeaderComponent ReactElement | ReactNode Component to appear at the start of the list undefined
ListFooterComponent ReactElement | ReactNode Component to appear at the end of the list undefined
ListEmptyComponent ReactElement | ReactNode Component to appear when data has no element undefined
ListSkeletonComponent ReactElement | ReactNode Component to appear on initial load of the list (also need loading prop) undefined
stickyListHeaderEnabled boolean Stick the header at the start of the list when scrolling false
stickyListFooterEnabled boolean Stick the footer at the end of the list when scrolling false
stickyItemsIndices Array<number> NA Stick the items on each index of the list when scrolling undefined
stickItemsAt start | end | both NA Stick the items at the start \ end \ both of the list start
stickySectionTitleEnabled NA boolean Stick the title of each section at the start of the list when scrolling false
coustomSectionTitle NA (info: SectionProps<ItemT>) => ReactNode Node to render in place of default section title component for each section title undefined

Contributing Guide

Read the CONTRIBUTING file to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements.


@asdotdev/react-list is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.

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  • asdotdev