This is a collection of Javascript used by Atomic Jolt to assist in handling a LTI launch.
`npm i @atomicjolt/lti-client`
For an example of how to use this library see
The application code using this library must implement the LTI Launch in 3 phases, providing the server side code for each phase and returning and html response for each phase. Phases 1 and 3 will include a call to the client side javacript contained in this library. See the 1Edtech working group documentation for more information about the LTI standard:
Open ID Connect initialization During this phase respond to the OIDC initialization request, attempt to write a state cookie and return and html page with a call to
import { initOIDCLaunch } from '@atomicjolt/lti-client';
Redirect Server side validate the redirect and then return an HTML page capable of redirecting to the final LTI launch
Handle the LTI launch. Validate the request including checking the nonce server side. Check for a valid state cookie and then return an HTML page with a script that calls
from this library.import { ltiLaunch } from '@atomicjolt/lti-client';
Report any issues using Github
Build package:
npm run build
Publish package:
npm publish --access public
MIT This code is released as open source without any support or warranty. It is used by Atomic Jolt internally and is released in case someone finds it useful.