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A WinterCG-compatible context utility


npm install @aviation/context


@aviation/context allows you to easily pass a value through to child code without needing to directly pass a variable reference. This can be useful in a few of circumstances. For example:

  • when you have a value that you frequently refer back to, potentially from various places in your application (e.g. information about the current user), or,
  • when you want to be able to pass a variable through a section of code you don't have control over (e.g. through a library or framework).

Behind the scenes, @aviation/context uses the AsyncLocalStorage API. If you're not already familiar with this AsyncLocalStorage API, it has parallels with React's Context API, so you can think of @aviation/context as having similar functionality: you can, at the top of your application, define some context value, and then retrieve that value in some child component, without needing to "prop drill".


runWithContext(value, callback) and runWithContext(key, value, callback)

The runWithContext function is how you set a context value with @avaition/context. You pass in any value you want to store and it'll be made available to the callback function if it calls the getContext function.

If you need to namespace the context value, you can pass a key parameter to the runWithContext function which will store the context value under that key.

  • key: (optional), a symbol
  • value: anything
  • callback: a Function — it can be asynchronous! — which accepts no parameters and returns anything
Return value

runWithContext(value, callback) and runWithContext(key, value, callback) return whatever the callback function returns.

getContext() and getContext(key)

If you used a key parameter when you called runWithContext, you'll want to pass that same key parameter to getContext in order to retrieve that context value.

  • key: (optional), a symbol
Return value

The value parameter you gave to runWithContext(value, callback) or runWithContext(key, value, callback).


Note, this library makes no attempt to restrict access to context values (stored with a key or otherwise). If you have malicious code running in your application, you should assume it has access any context values.


Store information about the currently logged in user with Cloudflare Workers

import { runWithContext, getContext } from "@aviation/context";

interface User {
	id: number;
	name: string;

export default {
	async fetch(request, environment, executionContext) {
		const user: User = await getUser(request.headers.get("Cookie"));

		return runWithContext(user, () => {
			// do lots of other stuff
			const user = getContext<User>();
			return new Response(`Hi ${user.name}!`);

Chain together multiple contexts with Cloudflare Workers

import { runWithContext, getContext } from "@aviation/context";
import { Toucan } from "toucan-js"; // a Sentry client for Cloudflare Workers

interface User {
	id: number;
	name: string;

const sentryContext = Symbol("sentry");
const userContext = Symbol("user");

export default {
	async fetch(request, environment, executionContext) {
		const sentry = new Toucan({ dsn: environment.SENTRY_DSN });

		return runWithContext(sentryContext, sentry, async () => {
			const user: User = await getUser(request.headers.get("Cookie"));

			return runWithContext(userContext, user, () => {
				// do lots of other stuff
				const user = getContext<User>(userContext);

				try {
					throw new Error("an unexpected error! :(");

					return new Response(`Hi ${user.name}`);
				} catch (thrown) {
					const sentry = getContext<Toucan>(sentryContext);
					sentry.setUser({ id: user.id });

					return new Response("Something went wrong.", { status: 500 });

Use Symbol.for(key) to reference a context by a well-known string rather than with a single shared symbol instance

// entrypoint.ts
import { runWithContext } from "@aviation/context";
import { doStuff } from "./other-file.js";

interface User {
	id: number;
	name: string;

export default {
	async fetch(request, environment, executionContext) {
		const user: User = await getUser(request.headers.get("Cookie"));

		return runWithContext(Symbol.for("user"), user, doStuff);

// other-file.ts
import { getContext } from "@aviation/context";

export const doStuff = () => {
	const user = getContext<User>(Symbol.for("user"));
	return new Response(`Hi ${user.name}!`);


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    • gregbrimble