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Scaffolder Backend

This is the backend for the default Backstage software templates. This provides the API for the frontend scaffolder plugin, as well as the built-in template actions, tasks and stages.


This @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend package comes installed by default in any Backstage application created with npx @backstage/create-app, so installation is not usually required.

To check if you already have the package, look under packages/backend/package.json, in the dependencies block, for @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend. The instructions below walk through restoring the plugin, if you previously removed it.

Install the package

# From your Backstage root directory
yarn --cwd packages/backend add @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend

Then add the plugin to your backend, typically in packages/backend/src/index.ts:

const backend = createBackend();
// ...

Old backend system

In the old backend system there's a bit more wiring required. You'll need to create a file called packages/backend/src/plugins/scaffolder.ts with contents matching scaffolder.ts in the create-app template.

With the scaffolder.ts router setup in place, add the router to packages/backend/src/index.ts:

+import scaffolder from './plugins/scaffolder';

async function main() {
  const createEnv = makeCreateEnv(config);

  const catalogEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('catalog'));
+  const scaffolderEnv = useHotMemoize(module, () => createEnv('scaffolder'));

  const apiRouter = Router();
+  apiRouter.use('/scaffolder', await scaffolder(scaffolderEnv));

Adding templates

At this point the scaffolder backend is installed in your backend package, but you will not have any templates available to use. These need to be added to the software catalog.

To get up and running and try out some templates quickly, you can or copy the catalog locations from the create-app template.

Audit Events

The Scaffolder backend emits audit events for various operations. Events are grouped logically by eventId, with subEventId providing further distinction when needed.

Template Events:

  • template-parameter-schema: Retrieves template parameter schemas. (GET /v2/templates/:namespace/:kind/:name/parameter-schema)

Action Events:

  • action-fetch: Retrieves installed actions. (GET /v2/actions)

Task Events:

  • task: Operations related to Scaffolder tasks.

    Filter on actionType.

    • create: Creates a new task. (POST /v2/tasks)
    • list: Fetches details of all tasks. (GET /v2/tasks)
    • get: Fetches details of a specific task. (GET /v2/tasks/:taskId)
    • cancel: Cancels a running task. (POST /v2/tasks/:taskId/cancel)
    • retry: Retries a failed task. (POST /v2/tasks/:taskId/retry)
    • stream: Retrieves a stream of task logs. (GET /v2/tasks/:taskId/eventstream)
    • events: Retrieves a snapshot of task logs. (GET /v2/tasks/:taskId/events)
    • dry-run: Creates a dry-run task. (POST /v2/dry-run) All audit logs for events associated with dry runs have the meta.isDryLog flag set to true.
    • stale-cancel: Automated cancellation of stale tasks.
    • execute: Tracks the initiation and completion of a real scaffolder task execution. This event will not occur during dry runs.



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