🔬 WebdriverIO support for Angular component test harnesses.
A component harness is a class that lets a test interact with a component via a supported API. Each harness's API interacts with a component the same way a user would. By using the harness API, a test insulates itself against updates to the internals of a component, such as changing its DOM structure. The idea for component harnesses comes from the PageObject pattern commonly used for integration testing.
npm install @badisi/wdio-harness --save-dev
yarn add @badisi/wdio-harness --dev
- gets a HarnessLoader instance from a given element (defaults to body) -
getHarness(harnessType, element)
- searches for an harness instance from a given ComponentHarness class and element -
- searches for an harness instance from a given ComponentHarness class -
- searches for an harness instance from a given HarnessPredicate -
- acts like getHarness, but returns an array of harness instances -
- waits for Angular to finish bootstrapping
import { MatDatepickerInputHarness } from '@angular/material/datepicker/testing';
import { getHarness } from '@badisi/wdio-harness';
describe('Angular Material Harness', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await browser.url('http://localhost:4200');
it('MatDatePicker', async () => {
const datepicker = await getHarness(MatDatepickerInputHarness.with({ selector: '#demo-datepicker-input' }));
await datepicker.setValue('9/27/1954');
expect(await datepicker.getValue()).withContext('Date should be 9/27/1954').toBe('9/27/1954');
await datepicker.openCalendar();
const calendar = await datepicker.getCalendar();
await calendar.next();
await calendar.selectCell({ text: '20' });
expect(await datepicker.getValue()).withContext('Date should be 10/20/1954').toBe('10/20/1954');
More examples here.
See the developer docs.
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