
0.0.1 • Public • Published

Bananapus Address Registry

Provides an accessible function linking pay/redeem hooks with their corresponding deployer addresses.

This registry uses create1 and create2 to generate a deterministic address for a hook based on a deployer address and a nonce. That address is then used as a key to store the deployer's address. This allows clients to easily and trustlessly check a given hook's deployer, which can be used to help figure out whether a hook is "safe" or not, as determined by the client's developers.

Although JBAddressRegistry is intended for registering deployers of Juicebox pay/redeem hooks, it does not enforce adherence to an interface, and can be used to track any create1/create2 deployer. It is the deployer's responsibility to register their contracts.

If you're having trouble understanding this contract, take a look at the core protocol contracts and the documentation first. If you have questions, reach out on Discord.


For npm projects (recommended):

npm install @bananapus/address-registry

For forge projects (not recommended):

forge install Bananapus/nana-address-registry

Add @bananapus/address-registry/=lib/nana-address-registry/ to remappings.txt.


nana-address-registry uses the Foundry development toolchain for builds, tests, and deployments. To get set up, install Foundry:

curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | sh

You can download and install dependencies with:

forge install

If you run into trouble with forge install, try using git submodule update --init --recursive to ensure that nested submodules have been properly initialized.

Some useful commands:

Command Description
forge build Compile the contracts and write artifacts to out.
forge fmt Lint.
forge test Run the tests.
forge build --sizes Get contract sizes.
forge coverage Generate a test coverage report.
foundryup Update foundry. Run this periodically.
forge clean Remove the build artifacts and cache directories.

To learn more, visit the Foundry Book docs.


For convenience, several utility commands are available in package.json.

Command Description
npm test Run local tests.
npm run test:fork Run fork tests (for use in CI).
npm run coverage:lcov Generate an LCOV test coverage report.
npm run deploy:ethereum-mainnet Deploy to Ethereum mainnet
npm run deploy:ethereum-sepolia Deploy to Ethereum Sepolia testnet
npm run deploy:optimism-mainnet Deploy to Optimism mainnet
npm run deploy:optimism-testnet Deploy to Optimism testnet


  • After deploying a hook, any addresses can call JBAddressRegistry.registerAddress(address deployer, uint256 nonce) to add it to the registry. The registry will compute and store the corresponding hook address.
  • Alternatively, JBAddressRegistry.registerAddress(address deployer, bytes32 salt, bytes calldata bytecode) will compute and store the hook deployed from a contract using create2.

The registry doesn't enforce IERC165 or the implementation of any hook interfaces, meaning it could be used for any contract deployed with create/create2.

Clients can retrieve the nonce for the contract and an EOA using provider.getTransactionCount(address) from ethers.js or web3.eth.getTransactionCount from web3.js just before the hook's deployment. If registering a hook later on, clients may need to manually calculate the nonce.

The create2 salt is determined by a given deployer's logic. The deployment bytecode can be retrieved offchain (from the deployment transaction) or onchain (with abi.encodePacked(type(deployedContract).creationCode, abi.encode(constructorArguments))).

This registry is the second iteration and will fall back to the previous version as needed when calling deployerOf.


Malicious hooks have a token minting access. Clients should provide comprehensive information to project owners and users on the potential for unintended or adversarial behaviour, especially for unknown hooks.


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