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1.0.2 • Public • Published

About This Plugin

Placeholder API """Port""" to Bedrock. Made for BDSX


Simply run npm i @bdsx/bdsx-placeholderapi

What is this?

Placeholder API on Java edition is a plugin that creates a standard for variables in strings. For example, you can use %player_name% in a string and that would be replaced by the users name. It also easily allows for other creators to add their own placeholders that can be used by other plugins.

Note: By itself, this plugin does not do anything. It is meant to be used by other plugins.

How does it work?

After you create a string, you will put it through the setPlaceholders function. The function will then return a string with all the placeholders replaced with their values. Creators can also register their own Placeholders by using the registerPlaceholder(placeholder, Callback) function.

Using a placeholder Example:

let str = "Welcome to the server %player_name%!";
let result = setPlaceholders(str, Player);
sendMessage(result, Player);

Creating a placeholder Example:

function onMoneyPlaceholder(p: Player): string {
    let money = getMoney(player);
    return money.toString();

registerPlaceholder("money", onMoneyPlaceholder);

Creating a placeholder with params Example:

function onPlayerHasPotionEffectPlaceholder(p: Player, params: (string | string[])[] ): string {
    let hasPotionEffect = hasPotionEffect(player, params[0]);
    return hasPotionEffect.toString();

registerPlaceholder("player_has_potioneffect_<effect>", onPlayerHasPotionEffectPlaceholder);

Creating a placeholder with an array param Example:

function onPlayerHasPotionEffectsPlaceholder(p: Player, params: (string | string[])[] ): string {
    let hasPotionEffect = true;
    for (let i = 0; i < params[0].length; i++) {
        if (!hasPotionEffect(player, params[0][i])) {
            hasPotionEffect = false;
    return hasPotionEffect.toString();

registerPlaceholder("player_has_potioneffects_<effect...>", onPlayerHasPotionEffectsPlaceholder);


This plugin is based on PlaceholderAPI

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