This is a JoinX plugin. This plugin will send the title or ui when the player join. This plugin for BDSX Server.
-Customize JoinX configuration.
You can customize in config.json
"jointitle": {
// This is title
"title": "&l&aJoin-X",
// You can use {name} for player name
"subtitle": "&dWelcome {name}",
// true for Show. You can change to false for hidden title
"enable": true
"joinui": {
// This is ui title
"title": "&l&2Join-X",
// In content you can customize like lines in scoreboard-x plugin
"content": "Hi! &a{name}&r this is a &aJoinX&r plugin for BDSX.",
// This is a close button
"close": {
"text": "&l&7[ &cClose &7]",
"type": "path",
"path": "textures/blocks/barrier",
// You can enable or disable for show or hidden ui
"enable": true
"consoleMessage": "{name} joined to this server!",
"sendToConsole": true,
"enable": true
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