This utility package allows to add a visual validation feedback to your users. It exposes a Higher Order Component that helps displaying a list of rules with 3 possible states for each one: default, incomplete, complete
By default, you can already validate your forms without adding any other library to the mix. It is also very trivial to display some error message since every dictionary component are receiving it from props. So why would you need something like form validation rule list
? To give your users some hints about what is going wrong with their typing. It's too often that we apply several validations rules on a single input and many of those rules are complaining at the same time, then what to display ?
npm install @bedrockstreaming/form-validation-rule-list
Extra validation
const extraValidation = {
oneUpperCaseCharacter: () => (fieldValue) => /(?=.*[A-Z])/.test(fieldValue),
minLength: (minLengthValue) => (fieldValue) =>
fieldValue && fieldValue.length >= minLengthValue,
const schema = {
fields: {
password: {
id: 'password',
type: 'password',
validation: {
oneUpperCaseCharacter: {
key: 'oneUpperCaseCharacter',
message: 'You need at least one upper cased character',
minLength: {
key: 'minLength',
message: 'You password should be minimum 12 characters long',
value: 12,
steps: {...},
stepsById: [...]
import {
} from '@bedrockstreaming/form-validation-rule-list';
import { PasswordTextField } from '@mylib/textfield';
import { RuleList } from '@mylib/rule-list';
const ValidatedPasswordTextField = withValidationRuleList(PasswordTextField);
const dictionary = {
password: ({ errors, validation, label, ...props }) => {
// These rules don't match react-hook-form's rule API, its proper to the form-validation-rule-list package
const rules = getValidationRulesHints({
const hasError = !!checkRules(props.value, rules).length;
const fieldError = errors && errors.type;
const isValid = !!(props.value && !hasError && !fieldError);
return (
// specific props required by ValidationRuleList
default rules as validation hints since the errors
object returned by the library can only contain one default rule error at a time.
Run nx test form-validation-rule-list
to execute the unit tests via Jest.