The ability to inject a infinity load for BetterScroll.
import BScroll from '@better-scroll/core'
import InfinityScroll from '@better-scroll/infinity'
const bs = new BScroll('.wrapper', {
infinity: {
fetch(count) {
// Fetch data that is larger than count, the function is asynchronous, and it needs to return a Promise.。
// After you have successfully fetch the data, you need resolve an array of data (or resolve Promise).
// Each element of the array is list data, which will be rendered when the render method executes。
// If there is no data, you can resolve (false) to tell the infinite scroll list that there is no more data。
render(item, div) {
// Rendering each element node, item is data, and div is a container for wrapping element nodes.
// The function needs to return to the rendered DOM node.
createTombstone() {
// Returns a tombstone DOM node.。